Not Alone (Edgeworth x Larry's Sister! Reader)

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Requested By: SkyWolfDoesBooks
Reader's personality: Shy and quiet (I just think it would be cool to have a reader that has the exact opposite personality of her brother.)
Timing: Any case after Turnabout Goodbyes is fine.
Plot: This is just a headcanon, but I would like to think that after Turnabout Goodbyes, Edgeworth gets REALLY depressed. I mean, who wouldn't be. The man that he looked up to and inspired to be like murdered his own father and tried to pin it on his adopted child. The reader and Miles didn't know much about each other, but since Larry clung to Phoenix like a lost puppy at times, she had met Miles a few times before. Phoenix is the first one to point out how downcast Miles looks now, almost hollowed out by depression. The reader thinks it would be a good idea to visit him in his office to see how he's doing, despite how shy she is, she still cares about her friends, even if she didn't really know him that well. She walks in on him having a genuine depressive episode, and immediately gets worried. He tries to deny it, not wanting to burden others, but she calls bullshit.

Warnings: Mentions of self-harm and depression. Please do not read if this triggers you.


"Hey, (Y/n), you coming to celebrate Edggey's innocence?"

"If it will keep you happy, Larry, I'll come," I replied.

"Good, because we're leaving now!" he answered grabbing my arm and dragging me out the flat we shared. I say 'shared' but I'm the one that pays all the bills, Larry just sits on his ass all day doing nothing. 


"Nicky! Edgey! We're here!" Larry shouted as we approached the two of them.

"And here's Larry. Oh hi (Y/n)," Phoenix spoke.

"Hi," I replied quietly, hiding behind Larry, "(Y/n) there's no need to be shy! It's just Nicky!"

"I'm sorry, Phoenix. I'm not a people person."

"It's fine. You doing ok, Edgeworth?"

"I'm fine Wright."

Phoenix was right, there was something off about him. I just put it to the back of my mind, not wanting to think about it. However, I noticed this carried on for several months after. I then put two and two together, Could Edgeworth be... depressed? Is that why he's been so down? I decided I wanted to help him. Despite my shyness I plucked up the courage and decided to visit him in his office. I managed to make it up to the twelfth floor without bumping into anyone, which was surprising due to the amount of prosecutors there were. I knocked on the door. "Enter." I walked in and closed the door behind me, "Edgeworth, are you ok?"

He looked up from the paper he was reading when I spoke, "I'm fine, (Y/n). Why did you come here?"

"To see if you were ok. Phoenix has noticed you've been down more since that trial and I wanted to see if there was anything I could do to help."

"Well it was nice of you to drop by but I'm busy," he replied leaning up to put something on a high shelf. His sleeve slid up his arm slightly, due to gravity, giving me a good view of his wrist. I gasped, "You haven't, have you?"

"What are you talking about?" he replied pulling his sleeve back down covering up his wrist again.

"Edgeworth, I may be shy, but I'm not blind. Why? Why would you cut yourself?"

"I guess there's no hiding it is there?"

"No," I replied walking up to him and taking his arm in my hand, making sure to be careful. I rolled his sleeve up to see a load of scars on his wrist. "Let me help you though this, Edgeworth. I don't want you cutting yourself. How long?"

"Since that trial."

I rolled my eyes, "Miles, which one? You've been in many trials, it's hard to know which one you mean."

"Since my trial."

I gasped, "This is because of Von Karma isn't it?" He nodded, "Yes, I thought he cared for me. Turns out he just made me into a monster that would do anything for a guilty verdict. I did this to punish myself for not seeing the truth earlier," he spoke motioning to his wrists before starting to cry softly. I cupped his cheek gently and wiped the tears from his face, "Please, don't do this anymore."

"I can't help it. The thoughts they just keep coming," he replied starting to cry more. I continued to wipe the tears away, "Listen to me, any time you feel like cutting yourself, call me and I'll help you though it. I don't care how busy I am or if I'm in the middle of something. I will always be there for you. I'll be there when you need a friend; I'll be there to support you!" (Tell me if you get the reference)

"Why are you so willing to help me?"

"Because, I don't like seeing my friends sad or hurt." I then saw a hurt look on his face, "Did you want another reason?"

"No! That's.. Where'd you get that from?"

"Your face looked hurt when I said that."

"I'm that transparent?"

"Yep! But there is actually another reason why I want to help."

"Are you doing to tell me or...?"

I plucked up some courage and leaned up, kissing him softly before breaking off and speaking, "That, that's the other reason I want to help; I've fallen for you. I may not know you that well, but I've been around you long enough, due to Larry, to develop feelings for you. But I'll just go now, I know you'd never feel the s-" I was cut off when I felt a hand lift my chin up. "(Y/n), you don't need to go because I've fallen for you too," he spoke before kissing me. I shyly wrapped my arms round his neck and I felt his delactly wrap around my waist due to not wanting hurt his wrists. We broke off eventually due to lack of oxygen, "I love you."

"I-I love you too, Miles Edgeworth."

"Please drop the 'Edgeworth'. 'Miles' is fine."

"Well, in that case; I love you too, Miles," I spoke before leaning up to kiss him again. "I'll be there for you when you need it, ok?"

"I know, and I'll be there for you too."

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