Life Choices (Apollo x Franziska's Sister! Reader)

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Slight spoilers for the SoJ ending!!!!! Please take caution when reading! If you haven't seen the ending please do not read this!

Title Credit: DashingStar17


"How are you doing, Apollo?"

"I'm fine, (Y/n). What about you? You're leaving your sister behind by staying with me here."

"I know but, Franziska is a pain in the neck sometimes, actually she's a pain in the back. Literally, I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've been on the wrong end on that whip." I shivered at the thought of it.

"Yeah, I see what you mean. Mr Wright told me that she once whipped him until he fell unconscious just because she lost a case against him."

"Well, Von Karma's are supposed to be perfect, Apollo. She was angry because he'd managed to do what no other defence attorney had done ever, and he did it three times. Defeating Edgeworth, twice, defeating father and defeating Franziska."

"Good point."

"So what are we going to do now?" I asked pecking him on the cheek, "Cuddle on the sofa?"

"You know I'd love to, (Y/n) but, we have a load of clients because Nahyuta, the Judge and Rayfa all told everyone the knew about this so we have too many clients to handle now."

"Oh, well the sooner we get through all these cases then, the sooner we can spend time together, right?"

"Yep, you're right about that!"

I giggled and gave him a quick kiss, "I'm glad I stayed here. If my sister found out I was dating a defence attorney, or even being one myself then I'd be the one whipped unconscious. I can tell you that."

"Well, she's not here is she? So you have nothing to worry about."

"You're right," I answered going to sit on the sofa with a case file. 


It was a few weeks later when I received a letter from my sister;


Where are you, you fool?! Wherever you are, you need to come back. I have arranged a marriage for you! To a perfect prosecutor! The fool told me you were in Khura'in, so that's how I know! You better not be with that attorney or you know what will happen when you return! Fool! Return now! If you don't accept this, you don't want to know what will happen to your 'little friend'.


I teared up when I read that letter. Franziska, why? Why do you do this to me?  I really didn't want to go through with it, but knowing my sister, if I didn't Apollo would end up being seriously hurt and I couldn't put him in danger. I wrote him a letter telling him about the situation, before packing my stuff and going to the airport.

-----------------APOLLO'S POV

I got back after another trial, the third one in three days, to see a note on the table and (Y/n) nowhere to be seen. I picked up the letter and read it;

I am sorry I must do this. My sister has arranged a marriage for me and I have no choice, please remember you will always be in my heart and I love you so much. Again I'm sorry. Please don't hold this against me.

I was mad and upset when I read the letter. I closed the offices and made my way to the airport.

-------------YOUR POV

I got off the plane and made my way to the prosecutor's office and up to my sister's office. I knocked on the door.

"Come in, you fool!"

I sighed and entered, "I-I got your letter," I spoke, looking down my suitcase in front of me.

"Good, you do know what's good for you."

"Franziska, why do I have to do this? It's not right that you force me! How would you like it if someone forced you away from your love, just because they'd arranged a marriage for you?!"

"(Y/n), it's what's good for you! You can't be single all your life!"

"I'm NOT single though! I have a boyfriend that I love dearly and if you can't see that then I don't want to be your sister anymore!" I shouted running back out, tears staining my eyes. I was too caught up in my thoughts and anger for Franziska that I didn't realise I had bumped into someone, "I'm sorry. I was deep in thought."

"It's perfectly fine.. (Y/n)?!"

"Yes, again I'm sorry for bumping into you, Mr Edgeworth. Now if you'll excuse me, I have somewhere I need to be," I apologised before running off.

"(Y/n)! You're suitcase!"

I ran back and took it from him, "Thank you!" before running off again. I didn't get very far as he grabbed my wrist, "(Y/n), you're crying, what's wrong?"

"Nothing! I'm fine!"

"I can clearly see you're not. Please, tell me what's up."

"Fine. Franziska forcing me into a marriage and I got mad at her, so I ran out." I started crying harder and I felt a hand on my shoulder, "Don't worry, (Y/n). I will talk to her and if she doesn't comply then, I guess she won't be a prosecutor anymore."

"Please, don't say that to her. She'll whip you into oblivion if you say that."

"(Y/n)?! (Y/n)!" I heard shouting from behind. I turned round to see Apollo, "Apollo, what are you doing here?! Please, you shouldn't be here. I told you in my note, if Franziska finds out you're here, you'll be the one whipped unconscious!"

"I don't care about that. (Y/n), you don't have to go through with this."

"Apollo, it's fine well saying that but, if I don't my sister will hurt you and I don't want to risk that. I love you so much," I leaned up and pecked him on the cheek, "Don't you forget that, okay?"

"I know, (Y/n). But it's not right that you have to go through with this!"

"I have to, to prevent you from getting hurt," I replied bringing my hand to his cheek, "I couldn't forgive myself if you were hurt and there was something I could have done to prevent it."

"(Y/n)! There you are! You're coming with me!" she grabbed my wrist and dragging me off. I finally mustered up some courage and yanked my hand from her grasp, "NO! Franziska you can't keep controlling me for my life! I need my own choices, and one of those choices is who to love! You can't force me to marry someone when I don't love them and I already have someone I love!" I walked away from her and back to Apollo, grabbing his tie and pulling him into me, kissing him. I soon felt his arms holding my hips and mine went to the sides of his neck.

"Ok, fine! You don't have to go through with it."

"Really?" I asked breaking off from Apollo.

"Yes, I can see that you really don't want to go through with it, so I can't force you."

"Thank you!" I squealed hugging her, "I'm sorry I said I didn't want to be your sister."

"I-I.. I'm sorry as well, (Y/n). I shouldn't have made you go though with it."

"It's ok." I walked back to Apollo and kissed him again, "Now if you don't mind, we have a lot of clients waiting for us in Khura'in." I grabbed his hand and my suitcase, dragging the two to the airport again.

"I love you, (Y/n)."

"Loe you too, Apollo," I replied pecking him on the cheek.

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