Uknown Talents (Hugh O'Conner x Juniper's Sister! Reader)

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This will/may contain spoilers for Turnabout Academy (The third case of Dual Destinies) btw so don't read if you haven't played the case.

I know Hugh isn't really a main character but I thought of this and I wanted to write it.


"Junie, are you sure I can do this? You know I'm not that good with crowds."

"You'll be fine, (Y/n). If you get nervous just imagine the whole audience is either in their underwear or they're all me. I know you're comfortable in front of me, you've been practising all week in front of me," she replied fixing my costume.

"Really? You really think I can do this? I mean what if I mess up?" I started to panic and pacing round.

"(Y/n), stop worrying, if you keep keep pacing I'll get flouescent paint all over your uniform and my hands, and I don't want that."

"Sorry," I replied stopping my pacing.

"Thank you. Also I know you'll do fine."

"Thank you for the support though, Junie. I'd be at home right now, panicking to myself if it weren't for you."

"That's what sisters are for right? And best friends," she answered pulling up her sleeve to reveal her bracelet. I smiled and pulled my sleeve up as well, revealing mine, which was in the same place as hers but on the opposite wrist.

"It's all going to be fine, (Y/n). You're not going to make a fool of yourself in front of Hugh. I will not allow it!"

"Thanks Junie, but there's no way he'd have feeling's for me. I mean I'm 24 and he's 18 (This is before Blackquill reveals his secret), that's a six year difference, Junie, six years. It's just never going to happen." There was actually another reason why I knew it would never happen; there had been a rumour going round that whoever won the mock trial; Hugh or Robin, was going to confess to Junie, and I knew that it meant they both had feelings for her.


The next day was the day of the mock trial and I was glad for Junie, her script had been chosen to be the one used for the mock. Although, this did put her in a predicament when Thena and MR Wright discovered Professor Courte's body, the exact way it was in Junie's script, leading her to be the main suspect for the murder. She was arrested the minute the police got to the Academy and Thena was quick to take her case.

"Hold it! I refuse to believe that she's the killer! Junie, I've decided, I'm going to defend you!"

"Th-Thena," Junie replied smiling softly. I jumped on Athena, "Thank you Thena!"

"You're welcome, (Y/n). I know Junie would never murder anyone, let alone her professor. I'm going to get her out of this!"

"I know you will! Thank you!"



"Your Honour, the defence has a witness that can testify to the fact that the defendant was busy all throughout the time of death the night of the murder!" I shouted.

"Really, Athena? You're not just stalling for time are you?" Apollo asked me.

"No! I'm not! You really have a terrible memory don't you? I mean (Y/n), you know Junie's sister?"

"Oh right. Oops I kinda forgot about her," he replied, rubbing the top of his head and his spikes.

"Very well, does the prosecution have an objection to this?"

It was that point when we realised Blackquill had disappeared. "Bailiff! Where is the prosecutor?!"

"The prosecutor said; "Rubbish! We will be out on a stroll!" then left with Detective Fulbright."

"Huh? Well then, Your Honour can I call my witness?!" I asked/squealed.

"Athena, tone it down!"

"You're one to talk, Apollo. Chords of Steel."

"Very well, Bailiff! Please bright in the defence's witness!"

It was then that (Y/n) came up to the stand, "Um, hi. I'm (Y/n)."

"(Y/n) can you please tell us why you know Juniper is innocent?" I asked her, calmly as she was just as timid as Junie was.

"Oh! Um, sure. Junie's innocent. I know it. I was with her the whole time during the time of death. We were talking in one of the dressing rooms, while she was putting the finishing touches on my costume. We were there until 8 pm and neither of us left the room."

-------------------------YOUR POV

"I will now pronounce the defendant Juniper Woods... NOT GUILTY! Court adjourned!"

"Junie! Thena!" I shouted, running up to them from the gallery when they'd left the courtroom. I jumped on both of them hugging them.

"Hello? I'm still here you know," Apollo spoke, gaining my attention.

"Sorry, Apollo. Thank you for you're help to get Junie free!" I squealed hugging him. "You know, anyone who didn't know you were related to Juniper, would think you're related to Athena."

"And what is that supposed to mean, Apollo?!" Athena shouted at him. I managed to calm the two of them down and stop them from arguing and we all made our way back to the Academy. They'd decided to extend the festival one more day, in Professor Courte's honour. I was so nervous, I had Junie backstage with me until I needed to go on and she was trying to calm me down the whole time. When it was eventually time, I made my way to the stag and Junie went to join Thena, Apollo, Mr Wright, Robin, Hugh and Myriam, who were all standing watching. 

"We've got a special treat for all of you; A love letter for Themis Legal Academy. Achtung baby. It's time for The Guitar's Serenade."

I made my way on stage and there was a spotlight on me. I made eye-contact with Hugh and turned away quickly, starting to sing.


After the performance, I met everyone back in the lecture hall after changing back into my uniform from my stage costume.

"You were great (Y/n)!" Robin squealed.

"Thanks," I replied, rubbing the back of my head.

"Yeah! You were amazing!" Athena shouted hugging me.

"Thanks to you too, Thena."

"Oh, Hugh, wasn't there something you wanted to say to Juniper?" Athena asked.

"J-Juniper... Can we still be friends? You know, best friends like we've always been?" he spoke. I was surprised by this and it seemed so was everyone else, "Huh? Best friends...? Hugh, weren't you going to profess your love for Juniper if you won the mock trial?"

"No, I was going to confess... ...that I'm not a genius, and that I'm really twenty-five years old. But you already dragged it out of me during the trial. But, I was going to confess something to someone else as well. (Y/n)," I looked at him surprised when he said my name, "Yes, Hugh?"

"I've.. You know, this is really hard for me to say but,  I'vehadacrushonyouforareallylongtimeandI'msorryIdidn'ttellyouearlier,Ididn'twanttomakeitawkwardbyhavingyoubelievetherewasasixyearagegapetweenusbut,nowmesecret'sout,Icancomeclean.I'vebeeninlovewithyouforagesand..." he trailed off and I took a moment to process what he just said, which he took the wrong way, "But if you don't feel that way then it's fine, I'm happy just being friends."

I put a hand to my mouth, "Oh, Hugh. There's no need for that attitude because I love you too!" I squealed before running up and smashing my lips on his, wrapping my arms round his neck. I soon felt his round my waist.

"Well, this has made a good day, even greater," Hugh spoke, breaking off.

"Yep! Well, despite Junie being arrested."

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Can I please be flowergirl at the wedding!" Athena screeched making both mine and Hugh's faces go red, "Thena, it's a bit early for that! But, when the time comes yes, you can and Junie can be my maid of honour."

"Yay!" Thena replied hugging me again. 

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