Mistakes (Edgeworth x Unknown Depressed! Prosecutor! Reader)

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I know I just did an Edgeworth one, but I thought of this a while ago and I haven't had the time to write it. The last one was also requested.

Timing: Between JFA and T&T

Also, the title may be confusing. It means no one knows that the reader is depressed, except herself and one other person.

Warnings: Mention of suicide, blood, depression (Triggers!)


"Will you listen to me! I'm trying to help you! Maybe Ema was right, you are just a stuck up jerk!"

"Well, at least I don't flirt with every man I see!"

"That's because everyone knows you're gay for Nick!"

"You take that back (Y/n)!"

"Why? It's true!"



"I said out!"

"Let me think... NO! I'm trying to help!"

"This is why I hate you so much!"

This comment hurt me a lot. No one knew about my crush on Miles. Well, except Franziska but she promised, when she threatened to whip me if I didn't tell her I did, not to tell anyone. I ran out his office and back to mine crying, the last thing I heard being, "MILES EDGEWORTH! WHAT DID YOU DO THIS TIME!?"


I was walking to Miles's office to talk to him about something when I heard something I probably shouldn't have, "This is why I hate you so much!" The next thing I knew, (Y/n) was dashing out his office, crying her eyes out. She ran off not noticing me and I turned back to the door, slamming it open, "MILES EDGEWORTH! WHAT DID YOU DO THIS TIME!?" 

"Franziska? What are you talking about?"

"What am I talking about? Why in the world did you say you hated (Y/n)?"

"We just got into a fight and she said something that triggered me and.. I don't know."

"Well you better make it up to her. Her hopes have probably been shattered now. She's had a crush on you for ages and you saying that probably-Shit!" I dashed out the office, Miles following, and to (Y/n)'s to see her lying on the floor, a pool of blood surrounding her, "See what you've done!" I dashed to (Y/n) and checked her pulse. Shee was still alive, thankfully. "Get an ambulance! She's still alive! Hurry!" he dashed out the office and rang an ambulance. It was that point when I decided to look round her office. I noticed a note lying on her desk;

"Please, everyone, forgive me. I couldn't live anymore. After the person I had a crush on, told me they hated me, it utterly destroyed me. Please no one else blame themselves!

(Y/n) <3"

I dropped it on the floor out of shock before picking it up again as the paramedics burst in. 



I opened my eyes to see a bright light. Am I dead? I then felt a pounding headache and winced in pain, "Ow!"

"(Y/n)? You're ok! I'm so glad!"

I then managed to focus on the speaker, "Why the bloody hell are you here? I thought you hated me."

"I'm sorry, (Y/n). I don't hate you. I just got caught up in the argument. You know people say things they regret when they're angry."

"I forgive you," I replied bringing my bandaged hand up and stroking his cheek, "You know, I've had a crush on you for a while."

"Really? Becuase I love you too." I gasped slightly before grabbing his suit jacket and pulling him down on the bed, kissing him.

"(Y/n)? Are you aw-Oh God!"

We broke off and Miles got off of me and the bed. "Franziska," we both said at the same time.

"Geez, I knew you'd confess at some point but I didn't think it would be in a hospital!"

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