Celebrity Crushes (Edgeworth x Reader)

785 14 9

Requested: Yes by MrsKenway25

Prompt: Yes. 8. "I'm flirting with you!"


Ok (Y/n) you can do this. Just tell the guy what you witnessed and listen to what he has to say. If he says anything about you being a celebrity just ask if we can get back to the matter at hand. But should I really do this? If the defence accuses me of lying then it would ruin me!

That's all that was going through my head on the drive to the prosecutors office. Once we arrived as I guessed there was a lot of people wanting to take a picture. I signed a couple of autographs and took a few pictures with fans then proceeded to enter the building.

When I entered I was met with the chief prosecutor Miles Edgeworth, "Miss (L/n). It is an honour to meet you."

"Why, yes I suppose it is," I responded. He had a surprised look on his face, "I'm joking. It is an honour to meet you as well Mr. Edgeworth, but you can just call me (Y/n), I may be a celebrity but sometimes I wish I was a normal person. Even coming in here there was a whole load of paparazzi."

"I am so sorry about that."

"It's not your fault Mr. Edgeworth."

"Please, just call me Miles." I noticed he had a pink tint to his face.



We made our way into his office to talk as, the rest of the prosecutors knew I was here then I would be swamped.

After we entered, he let me sit down on the sofa in his office. I thanked him and sat down, "So, could you tell me what you witnessed please."

"Of course. I was walking to the studio to film a new film when I heard two people arguing. It was man and a woman, the woman had long brown hair that was down and she was wearing a brown dress, suit type thing. The man had grey and white hair and was wearing an incredibly bright orange suit. He was also wearing pink glasses on the end of his nose. The man then pulled out a knife from his pocket and stabbed the lady."

"The good thing is that lines up exactly with what the other witness said, but can I just say that you look incredibly beautiful today."

"Uh. Thanks."

This went on and on for the whole interview. He kept saying things that made me blush and after the tenth one I had had enough, "Mr. Edgeworth. I would appreciate it if you would stop. What are you even doing anyway?"

"I'm flirting with you!"

"Oh. But, why?"

"Well, who wouldn't flirt with someone as beautiful as you."

"I'm sorry, but it's not going to work. I know that you're only doing this because I'm a celebrity and you want fame but stop!"

"Would this change your mind?" I didn't have time to respond he was now kissing me. I was surprised at first and my face was bright red like a tomato but I eventually gave in and wrapped my arms round his neck and I felt his wrap round my waist. We were so caught up in the moment that we didn't hear the knock on the door of the sound of the door opening until someone spoke, "Um.. Mr. Edgeworth, Miss Von Karma's wondering if...." they were cut off when they saw the position we were in. We broke away and were both bright red. "Gumshoe! Have you not heard of a thing called knocking?"

"I did knock sir but....Miss (L/n), it is an honour to meet you. Can I please have you autograph?!"

I giggled and pulled out my notebook before signing it and handing him the page, "Wait until Mr. Wright sees this." He ran out of the room.

"Miss (L/n), I'm so sorry about that. I don't know what came over me I..." I kissed him again, "Don't worry, but I hope you can learn to handle having the press in you 24/7."

"Don't worry. I can learn to handle it, for you."

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