Jealousy (Jealous! Diego Armando x Reader)

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Requested by: @RossettaWright


My alarm went off waking me up. I was originally annoyed but then I remembered that that day was when Mia and I had planned on going out together to discuss something important. I got up before hearing Diego stir, "Come back to bed. It's cold without you!"

"Diego, I told you I was going out with Mia today and I needed to get up early to get ready. I'll be back sometime this afternoon."

He just turned over in bed and went back to sleep. I got dressed and walked down to the kitchen grabbing a bowl and some cereal from the cupboard. I poured myself a bowl and got the milk out the fridge. Just as I was about to pour the milk on, the doorbell rang. I put the milk down and walked to the door opening it. "Hi, Mia! You're early."

"I know I was just so excited! You did say you wanted to make this a special-" I put a hand over her mouth to stop her from talking, "Mia, Diego is still asleep I don't want you, risking waking him up!"

"Ok, I'll shut up," she spoke coming in and walking to the kitchen after taking he shoes off. I then heard her voice from the kitchen, "(Y/n), why is the a bowl of cereal out with milk next to it?!"

"It's called my breakfast," I replied curtly walking into the kitchen, "I didn't get a chance to eat it as you arrived."

"Well hurry up and eat it then! We need to get going!"

--------------------14th February

I woke up to feel that Diego wasn't next to me. I started wondering why and then remembered he had been distant lately. I got up and got dressed before walking downstairs into the kitchen to see him eating breakfast, "Good morning, Diego," I said. All I received in return was a grunt, which annoyed me, "You know I don't like it when you don't use your words. Diego, what's up? What have I done wrong to make you distance yourself from me?"

Again no answer.

"Please just tell me! What can I do to get you to forgive me?"

"Why, have you been spending more time with Mia than me?"

"Oh, are you jealous?" I was met with a glare, "Yes, ok. I'm sorry, it's just that I feel as if you're avoiding me by spending more time with Mia that your own boyfriend."

"Diego, I was only spending time with Mia so I could get her advice on something," I replied, "I'm sorry, but, I wanted to make today special." I walked out the kitchen and back to the bedroom where I had hidden it. I then noticed a shine on the carpet where th sunlight was shining. I walked over and picked it up to reveal it was a ring. I was confused and decided I would ask Diego about it. I grabbed the 'stick' that I had hidden in the draw of my bedside table and walked downstairs again and back into the kitchen where Diego was standing, leaning on the counter, "Diego, what's this for?" I asked showing him the rig I found.

"Where did you find it?"

"It was lying on the floor in the bedroom. What's it for?"

"Well, I may as well do this now, (Y/n), I love you so much and I was going to do this a different way but," he spoke taking the rind from my hand and getting down on one knee, "will you marry me?"

I was surprised, "Of course! I love you!" He stood up and placed the ring on my finger before kissing me. "I love you."

"I love you too. Again I'm sorry for ignoring you but I didn't want to ruin the surprise. I was asking Mia advice on how to do this," I spoke handing him the 'stick' which was actually.. "You're pregnant!?"

I nodded, "Yeah, you're going to be a father."

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