Who's the Hottie? (Edgeworth x Reader)

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Requested By: SkyWolfDoesBooks

Reader's personality: Sarcastic and kinda flirty 

Reader's relations: Phoenix's sister (She hasn't seen Miles since she was a child.)
Timing: Farewell, My Turnabout (Takes place right when Miles comes back to America and his first time seeing Phoenix since he left.)
Plot: Maya and Phoenix had both invited the reader to come to the event with them, hence how she got wrapped up into the whole investigation. Miles addresses Phoenix first, obviously not recognising the reader. The reader, obviously not recognising Miles either, goes, "wait, so who's the hottie?" Miles, obviously flustered, doesn't know what to say, so Phoenix ends up being the one to introduce the two. Finally realizing who the other is, the reader hugs Miles, who gets mega embarrassed. "Damn, I haven't seen you in forever. Lookin' good as ever though." The reader you little shit-. Phoenix and Maya are like fangirling in the background, while Miles looks like he's gonna die from embarrassment. A flustered Miles is a cute Miles, and no one can change my mind.


"Thank you for inviting me to come with you, Nick."

"You know I wouldn't leave you out of this would I?"

"I know, still thank you," I answered hugging him.

"You're welcome."


"Excuse me, but are you Miss Maya Fey?" a bellboy asked appearing behind us.

"Yes," Maya replied.

"Follow me, you have a phone call waiting."

"Do you know who it is Maya?"

"Nope! Probably the village," she replied walking off and following the bellboy.


We walked into the victim's room and started investigating before we heard a voice speak behind us, "Wright."

"Eeep!" I squeaked hiding behind Nick.

"Oh, hi Edge-WAit What the?! What are you doing? Did you rise from the dead or something? That note?!"

"I've been in America, Wright. That note was the truth, the old me is dead."

"So, Nick, who's the hottie?" I asked, not being able to recognise him.

"Umm. I.. Uh."

I noticed Nick roll his eyes and put his face in his hand, "It's Edgeworth, (Y/n). You know you're childhood friend."

Oh Shit!

"I'm so sorry I didn't recognise you! I missed you!" I squealed hugging Miles," I missed you so much! Damn, I haven't seen you in forever. Lookin' good as ever though." It was then that I noticed Nick and Pearl squealing their heads off and I heard Pearl ask him a question, "Mr Nick, is Miss (Y/n) that guy's special someone?!"

"Pearl! No, Miles isn't my special someone, he's just a really good friend that I haven't seen in about 17 years."

"If that's true, then why did I find this in your draw in the office?" she asked pulling out a folded piece of paper and handing it to me. I unfolded it and realised what it was, quickly stuffing it in my pocket. Unfortunately, Nick got a look at it, "Is there something you're hiding from us, (Y/n)? Maybe concerning a certain crush you have?" he asked raising an eyebrow. 

"No, I have no idea what you're talking about Nick!" The paper had a picture I'd draw of me hugging Miles with a heart drawn round it and the caption 'I will always love you!'. I bolted out the room and down the hall, not wanting Miles to find out about my crush on him. I soon found Ms Oldbag and an idea came to my head, "Ms Oldbag, I was wondering, could you do me a favour and walk down that hall?"

"Why would I listen to a whippersnapper like you!?"

I then remembered something Nick had told me from the Steel Samurai' case, "If you do, you'll bump into Edgeworth and I'm sure he's in the mood for your 'antics' right now." She ran off down the hall, the direction I came from and I continued my running.


"(Y/n) *pant* when *pant* did you *pant* get so *pant* fast?" Nick asked panting like a dog.

"Since ages ago, Nick," I replied bluntly.

"Well, I have a feeling you're pocket's empty now mainly because that paper you dropped, it's here in my hand," he smirked holding out the paper to me, "Also, don't try running, Edgeworth's already seen it."

Again, Shit!

I turned round ready to walk off, "I'll see you tomorrow, Nick. Good luck with Maya," I spoke before bumping into something, I mean someone, "(Y/n). That painting, is there any truth behind it? Or was it just a play picture you painted?" 

"Miles, I'm so sorry about that! Pearl just found it in my draw  should have hidden it better! You were never supposed to see it, it was just fantasies in my head. I'm sorry, but," I paused to take a deep breath, "yes there is truth behind it. I've had a crush on you for ages." 

"That's what I wanted to know," he replied before lifting my chin up and kissing me. I was shocked, my eyes wide and my face bright red. I responded by wrapping my arms round his neck, deepening the kiss.

"Ok! And that's enough! Pearl is only eight you know!"

"Mr Nick can I ask you that question again? Is Mr Eh-ji-worth (She learned his name after (Y/n) ran off, and during the 'Oldbag Situation') Miss (Y/n)'s special someone?"

"Well, do you want to answer that (Y/n)?"

"If you want to be, I'd be happy for you to be my girlfriend," Miles spoke and I smirked, "In that case, yes, Pearl." I then leaned down to her level and whispered in her ear, "Now we need to work on getting Mystic Maya and Nick together, right?"

"Yep! Mr Nick and Mystic Maya need to be together! That's why he can't lose this case!" I saw Nick looking dejected and I put my hand on his shoulder making him look at me, "Hey Nick, don't worry, we'll find her. We're all going to be looking for her. You just concentrate on keeping the trial going, ok?"

"You're right, (Y/n)! Gumshoe will have the whole police force looking for her."

"And me. I'm going to help with the search."

"But what about your paintings? Do you not need to work on them?"

"Yeah I do, but Maya's life is more important right now," I answered wiping the tear from his eye, "Come on, you need sleep if you're going to be able to defend Engarde tomorrow."

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