Run In (Lana Skye x Fem! Reader)

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Requested by: Outorou-Shingo


"Come on (Y/n)! You said we would go out today!" Ema shouted in my ear.

"Ok, fine. But give me ten more minutes. I'm not a morning person." She ran out my room and I slowly started to wake up, before feeling a freezing sensation on my back (I was lying on my stomach.) I jolted awake immediately to see Ema running out my room, with the ice cube scoop in her hand.

I got dressed and walked into the kitchen, "Mornin' Sunshine!"

"Don't you dare, Ema. You wake me up then you pour Ice cubes on my back. Now I have to wash the sheets before we go out."

"I'm sorry, I was just trying to wake you up."

"Well, it Goddamn worked didn't it?!"

"I'm sorry!" she shouted running out the kitchen. I finished my breakfast that she had laid out for me and walked to the front door before remembering something. I walked back to my room and felt the sheets, only for them to be completely dry.

"Ema, did you change the sheets on my bed?"

"Yes. I wanted to say sorry."

"Thank you, you're forgiven. And I'm sorry for shouting at you, I'm not a morning person."

"It's ok. I shouldn't have done that. I know you're not a morning person. Can we go now?" I nodded and she grabbed my arm, pulling me out the flat.


We were walking round for a while when I got separated from Ema. I was so concentrated on looking for Ema that I didn't realise I had bumped into someone. "I am so sorry I didn't mean, I just lost my friend and-" They interrupted, "It's perfectly alright miss. Lana Skye at you're service."

"Oh, I'm (Y/n) (L/n). Again sorry for bumping into you," I apologised again looking at her in the eyes, Oh, shit. I'm totally lesbian now.

"(Y/n)! Where are-oh there you are!"

"Ema? What are you doing here?"

"Oh hi Lana! I was just out walking with (Y/n)! She's the friend I've been telling you about."

"Wait, you know her Ema?"

"Yep! Lana's my sister!"

"I should have worked that out, You know with the whole same surname thing," I replied rubbing the back of my head.

"It's fine. (Y/n), we should be going now," Ema said pulling on my coat.

"Ema, you never told me you had a sister!"

"I didn't tell you because I didn't think it was necessary."

"Well, because you didn't, I've had to go the first 25 years of my life believing I was straight." She stopped in her tracks, "What?! You like her after only meeting her once?!"

"I can't help it! It's my brain!"

"It's fine though. I want to see it happen. You know I've talked about you a lot with her and I think she's starting to feel the same way towards you."

"Ema, you're pulling my leg. I know you are."

-------------EMA'S POV - A Few Weeks Later and after a few more meets

"So, Lana. Do you like anyone? Particularly someone who's initials are (Y/F/I) (Y/L/I)?"

"Ema, what in the world are you talking about?!"

"You know what I mean, Lana. Do you like (Y/n)?"

"Fine, yes."

What neither of us realised was that (Y/n) was just about to knock on the door, "Lana, are you in there?" Lana, looked at me panicked before hiding under her desk. I smirked to myself, "Come, in (Y/n)." The door opened to reveal (Y/n), "Ema, is Lana here? I want to talk to her about something."

"No, she's not, but you can stay here till she returns if you want. I have to go, I've just got a text from the Glimerous Fop, saying I'm needed at a crime scene," I replied leaving the room, secretly locking the two in.


I decided to sit down until Lana returned. I was planning on telling her how I felt. I started muttering to myself, "Come on Lana, where are you? I was going to tell you I had a crush on you, but I guess I'll have to try tomorrow," I felt tired so I laid down on the sofa in the her office before falling asleep.


When I woke up, there was a weight on top of me. I worked out it was Lana, "Oh, hi, Lana! I'm sorry I fell-" she cut me off by kissing me. I was shocked but eventually kissed back, wrapping my arms round her neck and managing to flip us over on the sofa. I soon felt her arms wrap round my waist. We eventually broke away, due to lack of oxygen, because we humans need it to breathe if you didn't know. (((Y/n), what did I say about breaking the fourth wall? I told you after the Klavier one shot, that you had to fix it and not break it again without permission.) I'm sorry, I can't help it! It's fun. (Oh, I'll give you fun *Author brings out Monopoly* Bring it on, (Y/n)) Author-Chan what are you doing? (Challenging you to a game of Monopoly) Nope! I'm not playing. I'll stop breaking the fourth wall. (Good (Y/n). *Puts Monopoly away*)

Extra Ending!


I looked through the keyhole in the door to see Lana and (Y/n), making out. I smirked to myself, Mission accomplished. Author-Chan will be pleased! (Ema, not you too!) What? I'm not doing anything! (Next person to break the forth wall, has to sit in a room with Kristoph, Engarde and Dahlia Hawthorne for an hour. I wish you luck.)

Larry: Oh! Are we breaking the fourth wall! Let me try-

Phoenix: Larry don't.

Larry: Hello, author-Chan!

Edgeworth: Idiot.

Larry: Hey! Edgy that's not nice!

Edgeworth: It's the truth Larry.

Author-Chan: Larry, come here.

Larry: Why?

Phoenix: *Whispers to Edgeworth* He's in for it now.

Author-Chan: *Snaps fingers, and Kristoph, Engarde and Dahlia appear.* Larry, time to face your punishment for breaking the fourth wall. *Shoves Larry in a room with Kristoph, Engarde and Dahlia.* Have fun Larry!

Edgeworth: Will he be ok?

Author-Chan: He'll be fine....

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