Tape (Apollo x Reader)

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I know I just did an Apollo one, but this just came to my mind and I had to write it

Time: Between Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice


"(Y/n), why are you bringing tape on a trip to Khura'in?"

"Now Trucy, you should know not to question my ways but since it's you I'll tell you. It's for a certain 'Demon Lawyer'. If his 'Chords of Steel' get too loud then this goes over his mouth," I answered.

"Polly's going to kill you."

"No he won't trust me, I've dealt with worse. There was one time I stole his hair gel and he came into the agency with his spikes all deflated," I giggled at the memory of him continuously blowing them out his face.

"Did you manage to get a picture?"

"Yep!" I replied showing her the picture on my phone. (Pic above - I do not own it credit goes to original artist!)

"Pffft! Best photo ever!"

"And it's my background on my phone," I replied showing her my background.


"Daddy, can I sit in the window seat?" Trucy asked her father.

"Of course, Trucy. As long as it's ok with the others."

"You're good to go, Trucy!" Athena squeaked.

"Fine by me, Trucy. I'm not good with heights anyway, I wouldn't even look outside," Apollo spoke rubbing his spikes.

"I'm good with it! As long as I get to sit next to you," I replied.

"Yeah! That's fine! I can show you my magic tricks!"

"If she's not too busy making-out with Apollo," Athena whispered under her breath just loud enough for us to hear, "Thena what in the world gave you that idea?!"

"You mean you're not dating?!"

"No, and we never have been," Apollo spoke his face as red as his vest. My face was the same colour.

"I mean it's going to happen eventually."

"(Y/n), so you want your tape?" Trucy whispered in my ear. I nodded, "Yep, Athena needs to be shut up." Trucy handed me the tape and I approached Athena, "Thena it would be greatly appreciated if you would be quiet," I spoke taping her mouth shut. She kept trying to talk but it just came out as muffled sounds. I was trying to contain my laughter and I noticed Trucy doing the same. Athena walked over to Mr Wright, getting on her knees and begging as if saying, "Help me!"

"It's your own fault Athena. If you hadn't said those things it wouldn't have happened," he replied. Athena just pouted the best she could and sat down in her chair. The rest of us sat down in our chairs and buckled our seatbelts up. I soon fell asleep on Apollo's shoulder, not noticing his slightly pink face.


"Well that's a problem. We only have four rooms and there's five of us."

"I know! (Y/n) and Polly can share a room!" Trucy piped up making both mine and Apollo's faces go bright red.

"Trucy I really don't think that's a good idea. I am a very light sleeper and I will get woken up by Apollo's 'Chords of Steel' exercises early in the morning."

"Too late! It's decided!" Athena shouted (we had removed the tape about half way through the flight as she was getting too annoying pestering us to take it off) pushing the two of us into the hotel room.

"Apollo, I'm sorry you have to share a room with me. If you want to do your 'Chords of Steel' exercises in the morning, it's fine by me. I wouldn't want to disturb your morning routine."

"(Y/n), I can wait till you're up to do them. I just want you to be well rested."

"Apollo can I get serious with you for a minute?" he nodded his head and I continued, "Ok, this is going to sound absolutely crazy but, I'vekindofhadamassivecrushonyouforagesandIwaswonderingwhetheryoufeltthesamebutit'stotallyokifyoudon'tI'mhappyjustbeing-" I was cut off by him kissing me. I was surprised but eventually wrapped my arms round his neck, deepening the kiss and initiating a make-out session. We eventually broke away for air. "I love you Apollo."

"Love you too, (Y/n)," he replied. I snapped out of my lovesick daze, "Should we unpack?"

"Probably a good idea. Before Trucy or Athena walks in on us."

We unpacked everything and just as we'd finished Athena barged into the room, "We're getting food!"

"That's nice. Athena. I knew I brought this tape for a reason, but I expected to use it to shut Apollo up. However, it'll work on you."

"No! Not the tape again! Ok I'll shut up!"

"Good, Thena. Now leave, we'll be out in a minute." She bounced out the room happily, closing the door behind her. I turned back to Apollo, pecking him on the cheek, "Come on, we don't want to keep them waiting do we?" He shook his head grabbing my hand and walking out the room where we were met with Trucy, Athena and Mr Wright who spoke when we came out, "So, are you ok sharing a room now?"

"It's fine," Apollo spoke wrapping his arms round my waist and placing a kiss on the back of my neck, making me gasp.

"Please not in the middle of the hallway. We and probably the rest of the guests here down want to see that."

Apollo then let me go, but keeping an arm round my waist.


"Ah (Y/n), just the fräulein I was looking for."

"Prosecutor Gavin, if you're trying to flirt, it won't work, I have a boyfriend."

"Of course you do, how could someone as beautiful as you now have a boyfriend?" he asked wrapping an arm round my waist.


Thank the sun god! Apollo you've come to save me.

"She's yours Herr Forehead?"

"Yes, get your hands off her before you regret it!"

Gavin immediately let me down and I walked over to Apollo, "Thank you," I said pecking him on the lips, "Love you."

"Love you too, (Y/n)."

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