Animal Love (Sasha Buckler x Reader)

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Requested By: Outorou-Shingo

Request: what about Sasha Buckler from Dual Destinies. The plot could be that the reader loves orcas so she attends the shows all the time and that's where she meets Sasha.

Time: After Turnabout Reclaimed (The Dual Destinies DLC)


I was so excited, Athena had invited me to go to the aquarium with her and the rest of the Wright Anything Agency. I was extremely excited because I loved, and still do, aquatic animals. I got up early and dressed before sprinting to the Agency, knocking on the door. I bounced up and down on my feet waiting for the door to open. It was eventually opened by Athena, "(Y/n)! I'm so glad your here! Mr Wright! We can go now! (Y/n) is here!" she shouted.

"Hey Thena. Good to see you too," I replied.

Apollo and Mr Wright then came to the door as well along with Trucy, "Hey (Y/n)!" Trucy shouted hugging me.

"Good to see you too, Trucy. Ready to go?"

"Yes! Let's go!" She replied grabbing my hand and dragging me out the agency and towards the aquarium.

"Trucy slow down! We nee to wait for the others!"


"That was amazing! Where's Sasha gone now? She said to meet her here after the show," Athena spoke fiddling with the moon rock earring she was wearing.

"Yeah, I was wondering that as well," Apollo answered.

"Athena! Mr Wright! Hi!" We heard a voice shout from behind us. I turned around to see the girl from the show.

"Sasha! It's so good to see you!" Athena screeched running up to her and hugging her. "How have you been?"

"Great! It's good to see you too."

"Do you want to introduce me to your friend, Athena?" I asked.

"Oh yeah! (Y/n) this is Sasha, we defended her in a trial and her orca." This caught my interest, "Did you say orca? I love orcas I wanna see one up close! Please!" I asked. She giggled softly, "Sure. It's good to meet someone that has the safe interest in orcas as me!" she replied grabbing my hand and dragging me away. She brought me into a room with a big pool in it, "Orla! Come here! I have someone I want you to meet!" She shouted. Just then an orca came to the surface of the pool, "*kree*"

I had to fight the urge to squeal because I knew that orcas got scared easily, "So cute!"

I heard her mumble something like, "Just like you then." But I just left it alone.

"So, Orla, this is (Y/n). She likes orcas as well so be good ok?"


"Hello, Orla. It's good to meet you," I spoke bring my hand to her head putting her. I wasn't expecting what happened next which was Orla hopping out the water and 'nuzzling' me (I don't know what's it's called but it's the thing that she does to Phoenix at the end? of Turnabout Reclaimed.)

"At least she likes you (Y/n)," Sasha spoke.

"Really? I guess so. To be honest how could anyone not like an orca? They're so adorable!"

"Want to give her a treat?"

"Yeah! Can I?"

"Of course!" she replied handing me a treat. I turned back to Orla, "You want a treat?" I asked holding it out to her. She took it from my hand in her mouth and eating it. "So cute!"

Orla then jumped out the pool and pushed me into Sasha making the two of us fall on the floor, me on top. "Sasha, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to-" I was cut off by her smashing her lips onto mine. I was shocked, my eyes wide, before I eventually kissed back, wrapping my arms round her waist. You only live once right? May as well take the opportunity when it comes. I soon felt her arms round my neck.

"(Y/n)! Where are-Oh God!"

We broke apart at the new voice, "Oh, Mr Wright! Hi," I spoke getting off of Sasha, "You saw nothing, got it?"

"Yeah, I want to forget what I just saw. No doubt about that."

"Good, what did you need?"

"I just came to tell you we were going to go now, but I can see you're busy."

I felt my face heat up and I noticed Sasha's doing the same. "(Y/n)! Mr Wright" Where are you?!"

"Oh hi Thena!"

"(Y/n), is there a reason why both yours and Sasha's faces are bright red?"

"Umm... That's none of your concern Thena!" I spoke rubbing the back of my head nervously.

"Something happened didn't it? I knew it! I knew you two would hit it off!"

"Athena, nothing happened."

"Really? I'm still never going to get the image of you two making-out out of my head!"

"Something did happen! Tell me everything!"

"It's none of your business Athena! Whether anything happened or not!" Just then Orla knocked me into Sasha again. "Looks like Orla's not on your side either, (Y/n)," Mr Wright spoke.

"Ok fine! We may have kissed," I spoke going redder and rubbing the back of my head again.

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