Takachu (Blackquill x reader)

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Requested By: Me!

Request: None. It's my idea

Time: After DD

AN: This just came to me in the bath randomly... I think of ideas at the strangest of times!


"Hey Simon! Can I please borrow Taka for Athena's hallowe'n party!?"


"Because, I need a small creature/being to dress up as Pikachu so I can be a female Ash from Pokemon! Please! Please! Please!"

"Will you shut up if I say yes?"


"Fine, you can borrow Taka, for one night." I squealed hugging him, "Thank you! But I do need to take his measurements to make the costume. Is that ok?"


"What does 'hmph' mean?! You need to use your words!" He rolled his eyes before whistling. I then felt a weight on my head. "You made Taka land on my head didn't you?"

"Why would I do that (Y/n)?"

This surprised me, it was the first time he hadn't called me '(L/n)-Dono' like he usually did. I snapped out my daze, hugging him again and retreating upstairs. I walked into my bedroom and Taka flew off my head, landing on my bed. "Taka, I need to measure you, so I can make your costume. Will you behave?"


"I'll take that as a yes," I spoke before pulling out my tape measure and taking his measurements. I finished and put the tape measure away, placing the paper on my bed before Taka flew onto my shoulder and I walked out my room to find Simon. "Simon! You can have Taka back now!" I squealed when I found him.

"Can you please tone it down?"

"Sorry. Anyway, here's Taka. I need to go and get to work if I'm going to finish it before the party," I spoke before Taka flew off my shoulder and onto Simon's. I walked back upstairs and to my room getting ready to start sewing!

--------------A few days later - 28th October

"Simon, can I borrow Taka for a fitting please?"

"Hmph," was my only reply before a hawk landed on my shoulder. I walked out the room my last words being, "Thank you!" and walked back to my bedroom. "Taka, are you ready for your fitting?" I asked to which I got a "*Screech!*" as a reply. "Good!" I pulled out the costume I made and put it on Taka. Thankfully he didn't rip it to shreds. He flew (How many times have I written the word 'flew' in this oneshot?) back on my shoulder and I walked back to the room Simon was in, "I present Takachu!"

"I thought it was going to look rediculous, but it actually suits him!"

(No I want a picture of Taka in a Pikachu onzie. Please if anyone is willing to make it happen. I'll do anything, withing limits of Wattpad for someone to draw it!) 

"Told you!"

---------31st October

"Taka!" I shouted before seeing a hawk appear on my bed. I put the costume on him after I'd got changed myself. Taka flew onto my shoulder and I walked out the room to see Simon looking the exact same, from the back at least, "Did you even try this year?"

He turned round and I noticed what he was actually wearing, "How the heck did you manage to get one of Apollo's waistcoats to fit you?"

"Justice-Dono, does kind of look like a demon so."

"I'm imagining his reaction right now. He is going to kill you, you know."

"I highly doubt that. Taka will just attack him if he tries anything."

"I think you Takachu will use Thunderbolt on him, isn't that right Takachu?" I got a "*Screech!*" in reply. I turned back to Simon, "See, Taka knows how to play along. Come on or we'll be late!" I continued grabbing his hand and dragging him out the flat.


"Athena! Apollo! Trucy! Mr Wright! We're here!" I shouted entering the agency.

"(Y/n)!" Athena squealed running up to me and hugging me. She broke away soon after, "(Y/n) I love your costume. Did you make a robot for Pickachu?"

"Nope! It's Taka! I present Takachu!"

"Now that is clever," it was then that she noticed Simon, "Why do we have two Apollos?! Apollo! Do you have an identical twin brother that you never told up about? One that's 23centimeters taller than you?!"

"What are you talking about Athe-What the hell?"

I couldn't contain my laughter anymore and it all came out. "(Y/n), why are you laughing?" Apollo asked.

"It's Simon. He decided to dress up as you for Hallowe'en!"

"What?! You think I'm scary?!"

"No, I just wanted to see your reaction. You're also like a demon." This made me laugh more and I had to cling on to Simon to stop me falling over. It didn't work however, as I ended up pulling him down with me. It was that point when I realised Takachu was no longer on my shoulder and now on Simon's head, a devilish glint in his eyes. He pecked Simon on the head, forcing him to bringhis head down, right where mine was, meaning he caught my lips in a kiss. My arms flew (See what I did there? Bird Puns!) round his neck and Taka flew off Simon's head, landing on the sofa. I noticed Simon's face was the same colours his Apollo vest he was wearing. We eventually broke away for air, "I guess Takachu used attract between us, huh?"

"Now I wish I hadn't trained him so well."

 "Well, at least something good came out of it," I spoke kissing him again. "Love you."

"I-I love you too, (Y/n)."

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