Comfort (Engarde x Vasquez's Daughter! Reader)

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Requested by: @Outoruo-Shingo


I woke up early as I was super excited. My mother was bring my to the studio again, meaning I would get to see my boyfriend again, Juan. I got dressed and went downstairs to see my mother waiting for me, "Morning, mother."

"Morning, ready to go?" I nodded, "Just gotta grab something quickly," I said running into the kitchen and grabbing a Granola bar and returning to the front door, "Now I'm ready!"


We had gone though one of the action scenes when the director called "Scene! Take five!" Juan walked over to me, kissing me on the cheek, "Hey."

"Hey, well done by the way. You were great!"

"Thanks, but I need to get something, back in a minute," he replied walking off after pecking me on the lips.

A few minutes later, Juan still hadn't returned.

"(Y/n), can you go and find Juan for me? We can't run though the scene without him."

"Yes mother," I replied walking off to find him.


I turned a corner looking for him, "Juan! Where are you? They're start-" I didn't finish my sentence and I noticed him..... kissing Celeste. "Juan! How could you!? I though you loved me! But it seems I will never be enough for you! You're cheating on me! With one of my best friends! I hope you burn!" I shouted tears spilling from my eyes. I ran back to the studio, just making it before my legs gave way. I curled up in a ball and cried. I soon felt two pairs of arms wrap round me, "(Y/n), what's wrong?"

"Juan. I-I-," I couldn't finish my sentence and buried my head in Matt's chest, sobbing. "Hey, it's ok. Shh, calm down. You're stronger than this."

"I'm going to deal with him, I leave you in charge of comforting (Y/n)," my mother spoke and Matt nodded. She walked away and I buried myself further into Matt.

"(Y/n), look at me," I did so, "You're so much better than him. He doesn't deserve you, and you deserve someone better than that lying cheating scumbag."

"Really?" I asked lifting my head up and wiping my tears. He nodded continuing, "You're beautiful, your sense of humour is amazing. You brighten up my day, just being in the room. Your smile is beautiful. Your eyes are beautiful. Everything about you is perfect and you deserve better that him."

I lifted my head up more, wiping my tears and faintly smiling, "Thank you Matt. I needed that. Is that what you truly think of me?" I asked leaning into him more and getting closer that our noses were touching. He took a deep breath before replying, "Yes, that's what I truly think of you."

I smiled, "I knew I should have chosen you over Juan," I answered tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Wha-" I cut him off, finally closing the gap between us. I wrapped my arms round his neck before crawling onto his lap. I soon felt his arms wrap round my waist pulling my closer to him. I responded by licking his bottom lip asking for entrance. He let me in and we fought for dominance before finally letting go due to lack of O2. That's Oxygen in case you readers didn't know. ((Y/n)! Stop it! Now and cut off this competition with everyone, I'm sick of it! I've officially gone crazy! Talking to a whole bunch of fictional characters! What am I doing with my life?) Author-Chan, I'm sorry for think, it was only meant to be a harmless joke, please forgive me. (I forgive you, (Y/n). It's just quarantine is driving me crazy.)

Back to the oneshot

We heard the sound of paper falling and broke apart, "What the-?"

"(Y/n)! I've dealt with-What happened here?" my mother asked returning. They both must have noticed I was still straddling Matt's waist.

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