Secret Sanctuary (Edgeworth x Best Friend! Reader)

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Reader's personality: Nothing specific.
Reader's relations: Miles best friend.
 Timing: After Turnabout Goodbyes. (Dual Destinies)


"(Y/n), thank you so much for the lift. My car broke down."

"It's ok, Miles. I'd give you a lift anytime you need it."

"Thank you. You remember where my house is right?"


We walked out the prosecutor's office and I led him to my car. I got in the driver's side and Miles got in the passenger seat. I started driving before remembering something, something I wanted to show him but never had the courage to. I turned off the main road, down a dirt path, smiling to myself slightly. 

"(Y/n), where are we-"

"Shh! You'll see when we get there!"

"Fine, thankfully it's the weekend tomorrow. I don't need to get up early."

"Wow, I never thought I'd see the day when the great Miles Edgeworth would not work on the weekend," I smirked at him.

"Just drive, (Y/n)."

"I am." If I wasn't, I'd be asleep dreaming.


"Here we are!" I spoke getting out my car, Miles soon following.

"Why are we at a beach?"

"This is what I wanted to show you. Only I know of this place. I found it one day when I was younger; My parents had started arguing and I didn't want to be part of it so, I escaped the house and found this place. Every time from then on, whenever they did get into a fight, I would always come here to escape it all."

"So, no one else knows it's here?"

"No, just me. Well, you too now, but except us, no one. Every time I've been here, there's been no one else and there haven't been any footprints whenever I've been here."

"So why me? Why show this place to me?"

"Because you're special. I wanted you to see this place, to show you how beautiful it is."

"Not as beautiful as you, though, (Y/n)."

"Huh?!" I asked, my face heating up.

"I really think this place is beautiful, but, you are more beautiful than it," he replied, his face also heating up.

"Are you saying?"

"Yes, I've had a crush on you-" I shut him up by smashing my lips onto his, kissing him with all the built up emotions I had. We eventually broke for oxygen, "I love you too. Oh, please don't let me down," I replied, leaning up to kiss him again.


Sorry it's short.

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