Forgetfulness (Apollo x Nahyuta's Sister! Reader)

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This is set during The Magical Turnabout. (Spirit of Justice case 2). Also spoilers for the SoJ ending. Any quotes/dialogue won't be accurate as I can't find a transcript of Turnabout Revolution. if you know where one is please comment with the link on this part.


"Nahyuta please can I come with you?!" I asked.

"Why are you so persistent to come, (Y/n)?"

"Because I'm bored here! I can't stay here for my whole life!"

"Fine, you can come with me."

"Yay!" I squealed hugging him.

I was excited, to say the least, I'd been cooped up in Khura'in for the first 24 years of my life and I needed change.


After the trial, that was the reason Nahyuta was in the US, finished, I walked out of the courtroom and to the defendant lobby. I'd recognised the leading attorney for the case and I wanted to see him again, after ten years. (Is it ten years between Apollo leaving Khura'in and the events of SoJ?) I ran up to him and hugged him shouting, "Apollo!"

He was slightly confused and awkwardly returned the hug. I realised there were two other people with him when one of them spoke, "Umm... Apollo, do you know her from somewhere?"

"Right now, I'm as confused as you are, Athena," he replied. I was heartbroken at this, "Apollo! How could you forget?! Judging it has been ten years since I saw you, but still!" I then remembered, "If you don't remember, maybe this will jog your memory," I continued, pulling out a photo from my pocket and handing it to him. 


"You do remember! I thought you had amnesia for a second!" I squealed hugging him again.

"Polly! Are you going to explain this to us or not?"

"Oh, Trucy, Athena this is (Y/n). I grew up with her in Khura'in although, I haven't seen her in ten years... Wait, (Y/n) what are you doing here?"

"Why do you think, Apollo?"

"You didn't, did you?" he replied sweat dropping.

"Yep! I'm surprised you haven't realised it. After all, Nahyuta was prosecuting the case."

It was then that I heard the voice of my brother, "There you are, (Y/n)! I told you before we left, not to run off from me," he spoke before I felt an arm around my shoulder. I pouted and turned away from him, shrugging his arm from my shoulder, "Yuta, I'm not a child any more! You have to give me some freedom."

"I just don't want anything bad to happen to you, ok?"

"I know you're protective but, please! I need freedom!"

"I know you do... Apollo."

"Nahyuta," Apollo replied.

"How many more people do you know that we don't know about Apollo?" Athena asked.

"Oh! Nahyuta's my older brother!" I spoke up, "So, if Apollo knows me, then he knows Nahyuta as well!"

"That makes sense."

"Apollo, can I talk to you please?" I asked slightly nervous.

"Sure, but why? I haven't seen you in ages." I grabbed his hand and dragged him off, only just hearing Nahyuta's comment, "Go get him."

"Apollo, can I tell you something, I should have to you ten years ago?"

"I suppose so."

"Ok, so, I've had a crush on you for ages and I should have told you before you left, but I froze up and didn't," I spoke looking down and fiddling with my fingers. I then felt a hand on my chin, lifting it, "(Y/n), there's no need to be embarrassed about it. I love you too," he spoke before leaning in to kiss me. I melted into it and wrapped my arms around his neck, deepening it.

"Go, Polly! You finally got someone!"

 We broke off at, what I guessed was Trucy's, remark. "I guess so, (Y/n) would you do the honour of being my girlfriend?"

"I would love to!" I squealed kissing him again.

"(Y/n), I'll be going back to Khura'in, but I can see you want to stay here with Apollo."

"Really?! I can stay?!"


"Yay!"I squeaked hugging him again, "Love you!"

"Love you too, (Y/n). I'll be sure to visit, when I'm allowed, ok?"

"And I'll be sure to visit, Khura'in with Apollo too!"

---------------------APOLLO'S POV

After the civil trial and we'd managed to win against Mr Wright. Dhurke got a phone call. 

?? - Miss Fey isn't my only... how shall I say? Insurance. I have someone that is very close to you in the palm on my hand.

D - What do you mean?

?? - Now that would ruin the surprise, wouldn't it, Dhurke?

Someone close to Dhurke? Wait a minute?! It couldn't be... could it? But how? 


It was just less than a month later when I was back in Khura'in. However, it wasn't for a particularly good reason. I'd been called back for not a very good reason; I had been forced to prosecute a case, one that I really didn't want to, my father being the defendant.

"(Y/n), are you sure about this? I mean Dhurke's your father, right?"

"I know, Apollo, but, I was specifically requested to prosecute."

"Huh?! Why didn't you tell me?"

"I'm sorry, Apollo. But, I-I can't tell you."

"What? Why?"

"I-I can't t-tell you, Apollo!"

I then noticed him wince,  His bracelet must have reacted!


It was finally over. I was even more surprised when Apollo said he was staying in Khura'in to set up his own law firm. I was happy about this as it meant I could stay in Khura'in and be with Apollo at the same time.

"(Y/n), I have something to ask you."

"Which is? Apollo?"

"This is a hard thing, but, I love you so much and I was wondering whether you'd want to spend the rest of your life with me?" he asked getting down on one knee and producing a ring from his pocket.

"Apollo! Of course, I will! I love you too!" I squealed. He stood up and placed the ring on my finger before swiftly kissing me.

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