A Sweet Reunion(Edgeworth x Reader)

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Requested by: SarahHlovescookies

Timing: Sound the Turnabout Melody (AA anime season 2 flashback episode (Episode 6))

F/c = Favourite café

F/s = Favourite Store/Shop


"(Y/n)! Make sure you're back here by four!"

"Yes, I will mum!" I replied walking off to one of the stores in the mall. I walked round the mall for a bit before I started to get hungry. I went to the nearby (F/c) and got some food before continuing my journey round the mall.


I had just come out of (F/s) when I saw a head and a voice I recognised, "Missile! Where are you? Come on!"

"Miles? Miles is that you?" I squealed running up to him.


"It is you!" I shouted hugging him, "I missed you!"

"I've missed you too. Sorry I left, Von Karma didn't give me time."

"I understand. You were also in shock, it's not fair you lost your father at a young age. I know what it's like, my father died when I was three," I replied, starting to tear up.

"(Y/n), can I tell you something I should have told you ages ago?"

"Depends on what it is."

"What about this?" he replied before wrapping an arm around my waist, making my face flush red. He placed a hand on my cheek before placing a soft kiss on my lips. I was in shock but before I could react he pulled away, "(Y/n), I'm sorry I don't know-" I shut him up by pulling him back into me and kissing him again. I wrapped my arms round his neck and soon felt his round my waist. "I love you, Miles."

"Love you too, (Y/n)."

"(Y/n)! Where are you!? We need to go now!" I heard my mum's voice shout for me. I turned to Miles, "Sorry, I have to go, love you! Hope we will meet again!" I spoke before rushing off.

-----------------------TIME SKIP TO TURNABOUT GOODBYES

"MILES!" I shouted running up him and hugging him, "I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE FREE!"


"I missed you!" I continued, "and for the record, I still love you," I spoke looking down and putting a strand of hair behind my ear. I then felt my chin be lifted up, "That's a good thing, because then I can do this." Before I could reply, he kissed me. I wrapped my arms round his neck, tangling my fingers in his hair and I soon felt him wrap his arms round my waist.

"I love you so much!"

"Love you too, (Y/n)."

"Wait a minute, when did this happen?"

I walked over to Phoenix when he spoke, patting him on the head as I spoke, "Oh, Nick. Whatever will I do with you?" I asked tapping my chin with my finger. (Like Ema's sprite) "There's a little thing called, 12 years ago."

"Wait what?!"

"Come on, we don't have time to go into detail now, we need to celebrate your defeat of von Karma and Miles's innocence!" I replied pushing everyone out the courthouse.

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