Turnabout Sisters (Phoenix x Maya's Sister! Reader)

550 6 1

Requested: No

Changes: Turnabout Sisters happens after Dual Destinies

Warnings: Mia's death, upset Maya & Reader


"Nick? Mia? You here?" I asked walking into the Agency with Maya in toe. She had come down from the mountains to see Mia. I looked round the office to see neither of them. Strange. She did say to come at Nine and it's 8:59. I walked into her office and shrieked. I spotted Mia's body, slumped against the wall under one of the windows.

"(Y/n)? What-Ahh! No Mia!" Maya ran up to me burying her face into my kimono. "It's ok, Maya, we'll find the person who did this to Mia. Don't you worry ok?"

"Ok," she replied wiping her eyes.

"Help! Police! There's been a murder!" We heard from outside. I looked out to see a girl with a phone in her hand in the window across the street.

I looked back at Maya, "Oh, no. Maya whatever you do, do NOT take the blame. It's clear one of us is going to get arrested, I'd rather it was me than you, ok?"

"But I know you didn't! We both arrived together!"

"I know that Maya! But there's no way-"

"Sorry, I'm late, I kinda-what happened?!"

I turned around at Nick's voice, "Oh, Nick, hi. We may have a problem," I said motioning to Mia's body.

"What the-?!"

"I swear to God neither of us did it!"

"I know neither of you would. We need to find the true culprit."

"Freeze! It's the cops!" Gumshoe shouted bursting in. I turned round surprised, "Gumshoe!? What is the world?"

"Oh hiya Pal! We're investigating a tip we got from the Gatewater hotel. Now move aside! We need to investigate," he replied, walking into Mia's office.

We were sitting on the sofa in the other room, me comforting Maya and Nick comforting the both of us when Gumshoe barged in, "Woah! This '(Y/n)' mean anything to any of you?!"

"That's my name," I spoke up.

"What?! You're coming with me!" he shouted grabbing my arm and pulling me out the Office.


"(Y/n), let me defend you!"

"I wouldn't ask anyone else, Nick. You're the person I trust most, except Maya."

"At least you're more inclined to trust me than Edgeworth was," he replied slightly sweat dropping.

"Yeah, let's just hope he's not prosecuting the case."


"Court is now in session! Are the defence and prosecution ready?"

"The defence is ready, Your Honour."

"The prosecution is also ready, Your Honour."

"Mr Edgeworth, your opening statement."

"Of course, Your Honour. The victim is esteemed defence attorney, Miss Mia Fey. She was killed at 8:57pm on the 5th of September. The defendant is her younger sister. The prosecution has evidence that the defendant is indeed the murderer."

"'Younger sister'? If that's true then why does the defendant have the same surname as the defence?"

"Your Honour, the defendant's surname has no bearing on this case. Can we get back to the trial please?" Nick said sweat dropping. Thank God, he won't drop the bombshell. Even if Edgeworth already knows.

"Mr Edgeworth do you have a opinion on the matter?"

I noticed him smirk and Nick give him a look not to say anything. "No, Your Honour. I agree with the defence, the defendant's surname has no bearing on the case." I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding and I noticed Nick do the same.


"Thanks Nick, I knew you'd get me out of this," I said hugging him before pecking him on the cheek, "Love ya!"

"Love you too (Y/n)," he replied returning the hug.


We turned round to see Edgeworth, "Edgeworth! What?!"

"Wright, what was that in the courtroom? It's like neither of you wanted the real reason, behind (Y/n)'s surname to come out."

"That's because we didn't Edgeworth. If it had a bearing on the case, we would have come out with it. But it didn't so we didn't need to."

"I'll have you know, I only played along to toy with you. I noticed your hand when you were sitting in the defendant chair, it's not that hard to spot a shiny ring you know. You won't be able to hide it forever," he spoke tapping his finger on his arm, "The police also spotted it when they were questioning you. They didn't bring it up, because the didn't want to invade on your personal life."

"Really? I was wearing gloves the whole time?! How did they know?"

I looked to Maya to see her with a sheepish look on her face, "Maya. You told them didn't you? When you were being questioned," I asked looking distressed.

"I'm sorry! It was Gumshoe's fault though! He pressured me and I broke, I told him everything!"

"Well, not everything," I said smiling at Nick, before leaning up and whispering in his ear, "You're going to be a father." I pulled away to see his face go from confusion to happiness. He picked me up spun me around, "Finally! I'm so happy!"

"Phoenix Wright! Put me down this instant!" He immediately put me down, rubbing the back of his neck, "Sorry (Y/n), I'm just happy."

"It's fine, I understand you're happy, Nick."

"You guys want to tell us what's going on?" Athena asked making us look at the rest of the group. "You tell them Nick. You'll do it better than me."

"Really? This is your moment though!"

"But I want you to tell them!"

"WILL YOU TWO JUST TELL US WHAT'S GOING ON!?" Apollo shouted making us stop.

"Ok, we'll stop beating round the bush. (Y/n) is pregnant."



"When did you find out?!"


"'Not that big of a deal'!? (Y/n)! I get to be an aunt! That's a massive deal!"

"Maya! Shut up! Please. I'm not in the mood for everyone shouting right-" I fainted before I finished my sentence.


I woke up in the Agency with everyone sitting round and Nick pacing, "Nick? You can stop worrying now."

He looked at me surprised, "Oh thank the Lord you're awake!"

"I'm fine. I just don't know what came over me. Sorry for worrying you."

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