Close (Edgeworth x Reader)

465 11 3

Reader's Personality: caring and soft, though can be flirty and rough.
 Reader's relation: nobody in specific.
Timing: Dual Destinies.
Warning: Lime.

When I see you, Phoenix you are so dead for making me do this! You are the one on the case, not me!

I arrived at the crime scene, even though I had no idea what to do. Phoenix had made me go on the investigation for him because he was extremely busy. I was annoyed with him, to say the least. I was also incredibly busy. I soon bumped into Miles, not literally though. 

"Miss (L/n), what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to investigate, Miles. Does that answer your question? But what are you doing here? I thought you said 'it's highly unconventional for a man of your position to stand in court', did you not?"

" I'm simply overseeing the investigation, (Y/n) but sorry for being rude, but you're not a detective. You can't investigate a crime scene without being a detective or, in Wright's case, the defence."

 "I am actually allowed to be here. I'm investigating for Phoenix. He's been extremely busy and I wanted to help out!"


I had been investigating for a while when I heard a thud. I looked up from the bag I was examining to see Miles rubbing his head. I walked over, "Are you okay, Miles? I heard a thud and I saw you were rubbing your head."

"I'm fine, Miss (L/n). Nothing to worry about," he replied rubbing his head again.

"I don't believe you. Come on! I'm going to look after you until your head is better," I spoke pushing him in the direction of my car, "Come on! You have your own legs don't you?"

"(Y/n)! I told you I'm fine! Please, just leave me alone!"

"Not happening!"


I had finally managed to get him to his office, without much more hassle. I told him to sit on the sofa, which he did.

"I'll be back in a minute," I spoke walking back out his office and finding an ice pack. I walked back and gave it to him, placing it where he'd hurt himself. 

"(Y/n), you don't need to do all this. I'm fine."

"You're not. You took a blow to the head and I don't want you hurting yourself anymore."

"I need to watch the investigation, Gumshoe is so incompetent that-"

"Gumshoe can handle the investigating. You are not leaving this sofa until you are better."



"No buts! I don't want you hurting yourself more," I spoke leaning in and kissing where he hurt himself, "Take care, Miles. Please don't hurt yourself any more. I don't want to have to drive you to the hospital." I kissed his forehead before walking off, going to leave. I didn't get very far as he grabbed my hand, pulling me back and onto his lap, "I don't think you're going anywhere, (Y/n). Not until you fix the problem you've caused."

I didn't know what he was talking about until I felt something rub against the inside of my thigh. My face heated up once I knew what it was and I looked at him in the eye seeing his face heat up as well, "See what you've done, (Y/n). I think you need to fix the problem." I smirked and got off his lap, sliding down onto the ground. I looked him in the eye before reaching up and undoing his belt. I undid his trousers and moved his boxers to free his erection. I smirked, "You get this hard from only me being close to you?" he opened his mouth to protest but stopped when I took hold of his member. I stroked him up and down before moving to take him in my mouth...

-----------------LIME OVER

I was woken up by my phone going off. I found it in my bag and answered.

?? - "(Y/n), where are you?!"

Y - "Sorry, Phoenix. I got caught up in... Something," I looked to Miles, who was still sleeping, somehow.

P - "You promised you'd tell me everything that you found. There are ten minutes until the trial starts!"

Y - "Sorry!"

P - "Please, just come to the courthouse and give me the evidence, please." 

Y - "I'll be there within ten minutes."

I hung up and got dressed before leaving Miles a note, not wanting to wake him up. I covered him in his coat and suit jacket before kissing him on the forehead and leaving the office.


I eventually found PHoenix in Defendant Lobby 2, Apollo and Athena with him, "Phoenix! I'm here! I'm not too late am I?" I asked before collapsing on the floor, breathing heavily.

"Are you ok, (Y/n)? You don't look it."

"I'm fine, Apollo. I just ran here and I'm really out of breath."

"I don't think that's what Apollo meant, (Y/n). Why are you wearing- Wait, is that Edgeworth's cravat?!"

"What?! N-no!" I panicked pulling it off and stuffing it in my bag, "You saw nothing, got it?!"

"I won't say anything, (Y/n). I've been waiting for this to happen."

"I won't say anything either."

"Your secret's safe with me!"

"Good! Now here's all the evidence and stuff. I need to go now, bye!" I spoke before trying to talk off.

"(Y/n) where are you?"

I froze up at the voice, knowing who it was.

"Edgeworth, what are you doing here?"

"I came to return, Miss (L/n)'s bow to her (Like Ema's bow thingy from Apollo Justice and Spirit of Justice), Wright. That's all," he replied before handing me the bow. I took it and attached it back around my neck, "Thank you. Here's your cravat by the way, sorry, I grabbed it in a hurry by accident," I spoke taking it from my bag and handing it to him.

"Edgeworth, you do realise you can drop the titles. We know about your relationship."

"There's nothing going on, Wright. If you think that, you are clearly mistaken."

"May as well just let them know, Miles," I spoke leaning up and kissing him quickly before breaking off, "I love you."

"I love you too, (Y/n)."

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