Attention (Edgeworth x Maya's Sister! Reader)

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Character: Miles
Reader's Personality: Shy and quiet
Reader's relation: Maya's sister
Timing: Any time will do as long as it's not during his 2-year absence (I'm setting it in Dual Destinies time.)
Plot: The reader is a spirit medium who gets hired to channel a spirit during a case that just could not be solved. Turns out the victim had never actually died, hence why they had found nobody, though what it looked like to the media was another spirit medium who was a fraud. After the reader testifies about what had happened during the channelling, she gets swarmed by a ton of reporters outside the courtroom. She's so close to having a panic attack when oop guess Miles does have a god damn heart and pulls her out of and away from the chaos. The reader asks him what she can do to thank him and he says "Tea?" while motioning to a nearby cafe. We get some soft boy Miles moments at the cafe with the reader until Maya comes in looking for her and she becomes a shipping god.

Maya's Age: 28
Reader's Age: 31
Edgeworth's Age: 35


"(Y/n)! Ema wants to know if you can help with a case," Apollo told me, taking the phone away from his ear.

"Why would I be of help? Aren't there a load more people she can ask?" I replied looking up from my burger I was munching while sitting on the sofa.

"First of all, please don't speak with your mouth full. And second, Ema said it had to be you."

"Fine! What does she need?" I asked after finishing the last bite of my burger.

"I'm not a messenger! Talk to her yourself," he answered giving me the phone. I put it up to my ear giggling and enjoying winding Apollo up.

Y - Hi, Ema. Apollo tells me you need me specifically to help with a case, why?

E - Well, this case has been really hard to get any leads, mainly because we haven't found a body and..

Y - You want me to try and channel the 'victim' don't you? 

E - If you don't mind.

Y - I'll be down at the precinct in about ten minutes then we can decide where to do this, ok?

E - Yep!

I hung up and gave the phone back to Apollo before walking out the agency and down to the precinct. I found Ema and she dragged me into an empty room. "Come on (Y/n)! Do it!"

I tried to channel the victim but no matter what I tried, it wouldn't work. "Sorry, Ema. I'm trying my best."

"It's fine. You'll need to testify about this to the court tomorrow."

"Fine, if I must."

I walked back to the agency and sat on the sofa continuing to try and channel the victim, still with little luck.


"Your Honour! There is a witness who wants to testify about why there was no body found."

"Very well. Bailiff! Bring in the witness!"

I walked to the stand nervously.

"Witness, name and occupation."

"(Y/n) Fey, Spirit Medium in training!"

"Please, describe the reasoning why there was nobody found."

"Well, I was asked yesterday by someone to try and channel the victim. However, when I tried, I wasn't able to channel them despite the fact I knew what they looked like and knew the name. However, you can only channel people that are actually dead so that might have something to do with it."

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