Scare (Apollo x Phoenix's Sister! Reader)

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Set during Dual Destinies

(N/D/W) = Non Dominant Wrist

(W/Y/S/P/W) = Who You Ship Phoenix With (Not Apollo)


Just do it already!

No one would miss you!

No one really loves you! Not even your brother!

These were the thoughts that were going through my mind everyday. From the minute Nick left for the Agency till when he returned, I was in the bathroom thinking over my life.

Would anyone truly care if I was gone?


"I can't do this anymore!" I shouted running to the kitchen and grabbing a kitchen knife before returning to the bathroom. I shut the door and leaned on the sink. I took the knife in my hand and sliced my arm over and over, No one will miss me... And with that I blanked out, only seeing black.


We got back home after another day at the agency with Athena, running round looking for her badge when I had it the whole time and I only agreed to give it back if she let me use her in my next magic show. Anyway we arrived home and Daddy opened the door before we walked inside.

"(Y/n)! You here?!" Daddy shouted. It seemed he was as confused as I was, usually (Y/n) would have come to greet us at the door.I went to the bathroom but I wasn't expecting to see what I saw.

I noticed the door was shut but not locked, "(Y/n) you in there?" No answer... I opened the door to see (Y/n), lying on the floor with a knife next to her and her (N/D/W) all bloody. I shrieked before running back downstairs to Daddy, "Daddy, you need to call an ambulance, (Y/n) is..."

"It's ok, Trucy. I'll call an ambulance, you call everyone we know. Tell them what happened and for them to meet us at the hospital, ok?"

I nodded but the remembered something, "Do I call Polly as well?"

"I don't know, he left himself."

"I'm calling Polly."



I saw bright lights and heard voices talking, Great, I'm NOT dead. I groaned at the pain in my wrist and opened my eyes, "Where am I?" I then saw figures in my blurred vision, "(Y/n). Oh thank the Lord! You're awake!" I heard a voice shout, one that I could only describe as my brother.

"You know you gave us quite the scare, (Y/n)," I heard a feminine voice speak, Athena.

"Why?" Nick asked.

"Why? Because no one cares for me anymore!" I replied, "What's the point in living if no one loves you!" I started tearing up.

"Hey, (Y/n), what is that supposed to mean? You mean a lot to so many people, why do you think we're all hear?"

"What do you mean? It's only you, Trucy and Athena."

"No, it's not, (Y/n)," a new voice spoke. One that I recognised.



"Nothing, I was just checking it was you, I don't seem to remember much."

"So, you don't remember what you told my a few weeks before Polly left?" Trucy asked me. I shook my head. She came up to the bed and hopped on it, "Then I'll remind you. But, do you want everyone here or just me and you?"

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