Trust and Cuteness (WAA (and Blackquill) x Cat! Reader)

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Again, this came to me while I was trying to get to sleep. Thankfully I remembered it when I woke up...

Set during Dual Destinies so spoilers!

---------------------ATHENA'S POV

"Now, Athena, I will warn you, the Agency tends to get a bit over the top at times."

"I can handle it, Mr Wright!" I replied as we reached the door. Mr Wright opened it and I followed him in. 

"Apollo! Trucy! I'm back!" he shouted and was immediately embraced in a hug from a boy and a girl, "Daddy! You're back!"

"I know, Trucy. It's good to see you too."

"Welcome back Mr Wright!"

"Thank you, Apollo."

I then felt my hair moving on its own before getting tugged. "Ow!" I squeaked before looking down to see a tiny cat with (H/c) fur playing with my hair. I giggled before bending down to let the cat sniff my hand. However, it didn't but just jumped up onto my lap, "Oh hello. You're a friendly cat aren't you?" the cat just purred before looking up and me and tilting its head in confusion.

"Apollo, would you mind telling me where the cat came from?"

"Oh I found it on the way back from one of my shows and Polly said he'd look after it for me, didn't you Polly?"

"I-I guess I did."

By this time I'd moved to sit on the conveniently placed sofa sitting in the agency. The cat came running up and hopped onto my lap, making itself comfortable. 

"Mr Wright, are you going to introduce us or not?"

"Oh right. Trucy, Apollo, this is Athena. I met her on my trip to Europe. Athena," I looked up from the ball of cuteness on my lap, "Yeah?"

"This is Trucy and Apollo."

"That's nice. So, what's the cat called?" I asked directing the question to Apollo.

"(Y/n). I guess she likes you, Athena. She wouldn't stop hissing at me for a week after Trucy brought her back. That's why I said she'd be staying at the agency rather than me looking after her."

"Animals don't really like you do they, Polly?"

"No, they don't for some reason."


Now where did Apollo go? 

"Excuse me, Miss, you can't go any further without having a reason."

"I. Already. Told. You! I'm the lawyer assigned to this case! I need to study the crime scene so if you could tell me where Kyubi Manor is...!"

"You can't fool me! You're just some delinquent high school student playing hooky!"

"You, stupid, pig-headed...! This attorney's badge isn't just for show, you know!"  I shouted at him. Stupid police officers! Why can't they just listen?!

"Shouldn't you be getting back to school?"

"Right! That's it!" I shouted. I grabbed him and flung him over my shoulder, "No one messes with Athena!" I then realised where I'd thrown him. Right onto where Apollo was standing.

"What the-?" he squeaked trying to run by not fast enough. Oops... "Athena! What was that for?!"

"Sorry, Apollo. He was saying I was a school pupil!"

"Well, you do look like it to be honest."

I was going to retaliate but I felt something rub against my leg. I looked down to see (Y/n). I giggled, "(Y/n), what are you doing here?" I asked picking her up. She brought a paw up to play with Widget, "*Meow!*"

"(Y/n)! What the-How?"

She jumped out my arms and went to Apollo brushing against his leg. He then picked her up, "How did you get here?" She tilted her head to look at him in confusion. Apollo's phone then started ringing. He picked it up, "Oh hello Mr Wright!"

"Apollo, did you see (Y/n) at all before you left?"

"Yes, why?"

"Well I can't find her now."

"And I know why. She managed to end up here with us. Must have stowed away in Trucy's hat or something."

"That's a relief. At least-Wait how is she there?!"

"I don't know..."


"Well it seems (Y/n) was right all along," I spoke picking her up. She had been sitting on floor playing with my hair for the whole trial.

"What do you mean, Athena?" Mr Wright asked.

"Oh, when me and Apollo first met Detective Fulbright she was hissing and growling at him like she didn't trust him. Isn't that right, (Y/n)?" I asked. She brought a paw up and played with the ribbon from my hair bow.

"They do say cats have a good sense of judgement though."


I was sitting on one of the sofa's in the agency when I felt a weight beside my head. I looked to my left to see Taka and (Y/n) noticed him too. She started hissing and went to attack him but I grabbed her before she could, "(Y/n), that is one bird you don't attack, okay?" She just hissed again. I rolled my eyes, "Simon! I recommend you stay with Taka unless you want him to be reduced to feathers!"

he then came running int the room and Taka flew to his shoulder, "What do you mean 'Taka will be reduced to feathers'!?" I looked to (Y/n) who was still hissing in my arms and glaring at Taka.

"I see what you mean now."

"(Y/n), calm down," I spoke stroking her head. She eventually calmed down and fell asleep in my arms, an easy feat as she was still a tiny kitten. I sat down on the sofa and (Y/n) readjusted herself on my lap falling asleep again. Simon came to sit on the sofa as well and the minute he did, (Y/n) had snuggled herself between him and his coat and made herself comfortable, falling asleep again. 

"Why does this cat like me?"

"Probably because you're warm, Simon. Your body heat is contained between your body and your coat, so it's the perfect place for her to sleep." A few minutes later and (Y/n) had moved to sit on the top of his head. She had a paw out to Taka, who was sitting on Simon's shoulder, without a claw out. She looked at Taka with a tilted head and motioned to her paw. What happened next surprised me, Taka nuzzled her paw with his beak before leaning up and gently nuzzling her head as well. "It seems cats and birds can get along after all. Taka could easily overpower (Y/n) but he isn't. Instead, he chose friendship! Adorable!"

"Could you get this cat off my mead now, Athena?"

"Oh yeah. Sorry," I replied taking ahold of (Y/n). She hissed at me and turned away, lying back down. I moved away, "You can get her off yourself, I don't want to get scratched. She's comfortable there and won't move until she wants to."

"(Y/n)! Come here!" I heard Trucy's voice. (Y/n)'s head shot up and she ran off following Trucy's voice. She came back a few minutes later with a bit of chicken in her mouth. She hopped un onto the back of the sofa and walked along so she was sitting beside Simon's shoulder that Taka was sitting on. She dropped the chicken and broke a bit off, eating it herself before pushing the rest towards Taka with her nose and jumping back onto my lap. I looked back to Taka, who was now eating the chicken (Y/n) had given him. Such an adorable little kitty.

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