Too Blind To See ('Feenie' x Reader)

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If you can't tell from the title this is a one shot with the Turnabout Memories version of Phoenix otherwise known as 'Feenie'.

Warnings: None (Dahlia being a b***ch)

Time: During and after Turnabout Memories

(B/S) = Birth Stone


Phoenix Wright

The guy I had a crush on, also my best friend. I was going to tell him but he had already started dating Dahlia Hawthorne. I knew there was something bad about her but Phoenix wouldn't believe me. He kept saying 'Dollie is the sweetest person in the world there's nothing bad about her'. I eventually gave up trying to tell him Dahlia was bad news, deciding that if he wanted to be heartbroken then he could get it broken. Not the friendliest thing but, I was fed up of him talking about 'Dollie' all the time.

It just made me sad.

The fact that he would never feel the same way. I felt the way for him, the same way he felt for Dahlia and I knew that would never change.

He's just a lovable lovesick, being that is oblivious to feelings...

Oh, Phoenix, if only you knew that Dahlia is bad news and there's someone close to you that loves you.

It was a few days later when Phoenix had stopped coming to University and I was starting to get worried. He had never missed a class ever and I was even more worried by the third day that he didn't turn up. That was when I saw the news:

'University student Phoenix Wright, found Not Guilty of murder!'

Wait, What?! Phoenix had been on trial?! Why didn't I- I was cut from my thoughts by said Wright, "You were right (Y/n)! I should have listened to you, she was just using me!" he cried on my shoulder.

"Hey, it's ok, Phoenix. I'm sure you'll find someone else to fill the hole in your heart."

"Oh, there's no need to worry about that! I already have! I realised that they were closer to me that I thought, (Y/n), I-I I love you!" he blurted out, "Although, it's ok is you-" I shut him up by kissing him on the lips, "I love you too Phoenix, I was going to tell you, but I decided your happiness was worth more than mine was so I let you be happy with Dahlia."

"Really?" I nodded, "Yeah, you're just a lovable goofball! How could someone not fall for you?"

"I think the question is 'how could someone not fall for you'?"

"Just a tip, don't give up on your art to do poetry. You lovable goofball."


"Well done Phoenix! You won your first trial!" I shouted jumping on him. Which his friend noticed, "Well, hello there pretty lady, what's your name? Are you doing anything right now?"

"Larry, I would appreciate it if you could not flirt with my girlfriend!" he muttered something else but I couldn't hear him.

"What? She's yours! Come on! Why are all the pretty ones taken?!"

"(Y/n), that reminds me I've wanted to ask you this for a while and I just never found the right time but I guess now is as good a time as any," Phoenix said fiddling with something in his pocket muttering, "Where did it go? Where did I put it? I put it in here, I remember that!"

"Wright, are you looking for this?" Miss Fey said pulling something out her pocket.

"Yes, thank you, Chief! Now I remember, I gave it to you to look after because I knew that I'd lose it if I held onto it, thank you." He turned back to me, "(Y/n) I love you so much and I was wondering whether you would want to spend the rest of your life with me and become my wife. (Y/n) (L/n), will you marry me?" he continued getting gown on one knee and opening the box that Miss Fey had given him to reveal a beautiful (B/S) ring.

"Yes! Of course, I will Phoenix! I will 100% marry you!"

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