What if?

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This is not a one-shot. Its just a random thing i thought to do.

What if DL-6 never happened?
-Edgeworth would have been a Defence Attorney.
-He would gave remained best friends with Phoenix and Larry.
-He probably wouldn't wear a cravat.
-He wouldn't be 'depressed' (For lack of better word)
-Hammond would still be alive.
-Maya and Mia's mother would be with them.
-Grossberg would not have been a victim of Redd White's blackmail.

What if Dahlia never poisoned Diego Armando?
-Prosecutor Godot wouldn't exist.
-He wouldn't hate Phoenix for not protecting Mia. And heck he himself could have saved her.
-There would be another alive defence attorney in the games other than Wright Apollo and Athena (and Grossberg).

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