Birthday (Edgeworth x Phoenix's Sister! Reader)

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Requested By: SkyWolfDoesBooks

Reader's personality: Shy.
Reader's relations: Phoenix's sister.
Timing: Any time after Turnabout Goodbyes.
Plot: the reader does some embroidery (most likely steel Samurai related) for Miles birthday (which Miles most likely forgot considering how wrapped up in his work he is) and she's extremely nervous/anxious to give it to him because she doesn't know if he'll like it or not.


"Nick, are you sure Miles has a secret obsession with The Steel Samurai?"

"Yes, I know it for a fact, (Y/n). There's no need to worry."

I looked up from the embroidery I was doing, "Really? Because every time you say 'no need to worry', it makes me worry more, Nick," I giggled.

"(Y/n), I'm sure Mr Edgeworth will love it!"

"Thanks, Athena. Nick, what's the date?"

(Edgeworth doesn't have a specific Birthdate only range (1992-93) so don't judge the date I'm making up for his birthday ok!?) 

"The tenth of September, why?"

"Shoot! That means I've only got the rest of today to finish this and get it to him! Oh, come on!"

"What happened?"

"I'm nearly out of grey thread! NICK! Can you please go and get me some more?" I asked with puppy eyes.

"And you can't go yourself because...?"

"Because I need to finish this!"

"Fine! APOLLO!"

"Yes, Mr Wright!" Apollo shouted running into the room, "Can I do something useful?!"

"Well, depends on your definition of 'useful'. (Y/n) needs more grey thread, and you're going to get her some."

"That definitely counts as useful in my eyes! I'll be back!" he shouted running out the agency before coming back a few minutes later and grabbing his wallet before I stopped him, "Apollo, you don't need to pay for it yourself, here," I spoke handing him a note.

"Ok!" he ran back out of the agency and I continued with the thread I had left.


I was sitting on the sofa, still embroidering when the door opened.


Shit! I scrambled to get everything together and hid it under my suit jacket, which was lying on the sofa next to me. Phew!

"Edgeworth, what brings you here?"

"I came to ask if you were currently on a case."

"Not at the moment, why?"

"Are you that dumb, Nick?" I spoke up, "If he's asking you whether you're on a case, then he obviously needs you to defend someone, isn't that right, Miles?"

"At least someone in your agency has a brain, Wright. You're correct, (Y/n)."

"Technically, I'm Wright, Miles. Not correct."

"I retract my previous statement."

"It's a pun, Miles. A simple pun."

"(Y/N)! I got your thread for you!" Apollo shouted barging through the door and running up to me, handing be both the thread and the change. I took the thread, "You keep the change, Apollo. Nick, doesn't seem to be paying you, so you need it more than me."

"But it's your money!"

"And I want you to have it, Apollo. You deserve it for being helpful."

"Ok, if you insist."

I giggled at him walking off, probably to brag to Athena. I was brought from my thoughts, "(Y/n), what is the thread for?"

"That is none of your business, Miles. Now, out! You and Nick can discuss this defending you need him to do another time!" I replied pushing him out.

"Apollo, you have perfect timing, don't you? That was a very close call."

"Sorry, (Y/n)."

"It's ok. Now I need to finish it," I answered, walking back to the sofa and sitting down, continuing my work. 


"And done! Finally!" I spoke leaning back on the sofa, "I hope you like this, Miles."

"What are you on about, (Y/n)?" Athena asked.

"Just a present for someone, that I finally finished," I replied taking the embroidery loop off of the fabric and brushing it off, to get rid of any dust or crumbs.

"Who is this 'someone', (Y/n)?"

"None, of your business, Athena." I replied, my face going slightly red, "I will be back later! I'm going to go and give this present to the person it's for," I continued walking out the agency. God, Athena really does my head in sometimes! 


"Mr Wright, who is that present for?" Apollo asked. I interjected before he could answer, "It's for Mr Edgeworth isn't it?!"

"Yes, you're right Athena. (Y/n) made it for him as a birthday present."

"I knew it! She does have a crush on him!"

"And I've known for about ten years, Athena," Mr Wright replied.


"The first time the reunited, I knew the both had feelings for each other."

----------YOUR POV

"Miles?" I asked knocking on the door to his office.

"Come in." 

I walked in, closing the door behind me. He looked up at the sound of the door closing, "(Y/n)? What brings you here?"

"I-I wanted to say 'Happy Birthday!', Miles. I hope you like it," I answered handing him the bag containing the embroidery and the card I'd bought. I looked down at my feet, nervous to look him in the eye.

"You made this?"

I nodded, "Yes, it took ages and a lot of thread. Do you like it?"

"(Y/n), this is the best thing anyone's ever done for me!" he replied hugging me, "I could kiss you right now." I broke the hug at this statement, "What?"

"I'm sorry, that came-" I shut him up by placing a soft kiss on his cheek, "I wouldn't mind though." On that note, his hands went to my hips. He leaned in, kissing me and I immediately melted into it, my hands going to hold his cheeks gently. It soon turned into a make-out session and he was sitting on the sofa, me on top, straddling him. We were so caught up in the moment that we didn't hear the knock on the door, or the sound of it opening until the person spoke, "MILES EDGEWORTH! What are you doing with that fool's sister?!"

"Franziska!" Miles, spoke breaking the kiss. I then felt a stinging sensation on my back, "OWW! What the hell was that for?!" I asked, figuring she whipped me.

"For being a foolish fool!" She went to whip me again but Miles grabbed it before it hit me, "Don't hurt her, Franziska. You don't want what happened to Wright to happen to you, do you?" I smirked slightly, knowing what he meant.

"Fine, I don't care anyway, you're just as much of a fool as Phoenix Wright!" she replied walking back out. I turned back to Miles, who spoke when I did, "Best Birthday present ever."

"What, me or the embroidery?"

"Both, together. I love you."

"I love you too, Miles," I replied leaning up and kissing him again.

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