Misunderstandings And Plays (Apollo x Athena's Sister! Reader)

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I know I've already done an Apollo x Athena's sister oneshot but I just thought of this while listening to 'Dead Girl Walking' from Heathers and it fit with Apollo. This is also a College AU btw

----------------------APOLLO'S POV

"Hey, Apollo! Why don't we practice while we're waiting for everyone!?" Athena shouted right in my ear.

"I suppose, we are the only two here." We started practising 'Dead Girl Walking' as I was playing JD and Athena was Veronica. Even though I had (Y/n)'s permission to do it, I still felt guilty about kissing Athena, when (Y/n) was my girlfriend. Just as we'd got into it, I heard a loud gasp and the sound of a book dropping to the floor before crying. The auditorium doors shut behind the person and I realised what had happened, "This is why we only practise when we're told to, Athena. Not if you'll excuse me... I have some explaining to do," I spoke before putting my shirt back on and running out the auditorium the way (Y/n) had gone. "(Y/n)! Wait!"

She turned round when I shouted, "What do you want? Actually, no, don't talk. Just why? I thought you loved me Apollo, not my sister!" she cried. I then noticed her tear stained face, "(Y/n), I'm sorry we were practising. It wasn't anything else."

"And I should believe you because...?"

"I love you, (Y/n)! I would never cheat on you!"

"Really? Like I'm going to believe that! Now you and your demon horns can go back to 'rehearsing' and I will go and leave you alone," she cried before running off. I didn't case about the insult she gave to my hair, I just ran back to the auditorium, thinking of the mistake I'd make, "Athena, I messed up!"

"Sorry, Apollo, this is my fault, you did nothing wrong. But I know how to fix this!" With that she ran out the auditorium. 


I ran out the auditorium one thing on my mind. I went to the Drama teacher's room and knocked. "Come in." I entered and closed the door behind me.

"Oh, Athena. What brings you here?"

"Is it ok for me and (Y/n) to swap parts for the play?"

"I don't see why not, but as long as (Y/n) is fine with it."

I walked out the room and back to the auditorium to see Apollo with his head in his hands and (Y/n) on the complete other side of the room, also with her head in her hands, sobbing. I walked over to (Y/n), "Hey, (Y/n). How are you doing?"

"Go away, I don't want to talk to you, Athena."

Must be bad, that's the first time she hasn't called me 'Thena'.

"(Y/n), I'm sorry about what you walked in on. It was all my fault, I was the one that said to Apollo that we should practise while no one else was in the room."

"Thena, how do I know you're not just lying to save Apollo?"

"If you don't belive me, I talked to the Drama teacher about us switching parts. I don't want you being upset about it."

"Really?" She asked, wiping her tear stained face and putting her glasses back on. (You have glasses Deal With It!) I nodded, "Yep! You get to be Veronica and I'll be Heather McNarma (Is that how you spell it? Please tell me if it's not)."

"But, Thena. I know how much you wanted to be Veronica."

"But, my sister's happiness is more important than mine. Now go! Be with your boyfriend!" With that I pushed her off in Apollo's direction.


After my talk with Athena, she pushed me towards Apollo and I complied; walking up to him. "Apollo?" He looked up when I spoke, "(Y/n)? (Y/n) I'm so sorry about what you-" I shut him up by pulling his tie and smashing my lips on his. I let him go a minute later, "I forgive you. Athena told me, she initiated it and that you had nothing to do with it."

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