Plans... (Apollo x Reader)

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This randomly came to me... Don't judge! I was trying to get to sleep last night...


What to do? What to do? I was pacing back and forth in front of the door to Apollo's flat trying to think of an idea. Apollo had locked himself in and was refusing to come out. I had already tried a list of things: Pestering him, knocking constantly on the door, staying there the whole time... I eventually thought of an idea. I sniggered to myself before, "Apollo!" I knocked on the door, "Do you want to build-" I was cut off by the door opening and me being dragged inside, "Apollo?! does this mean you're finally going to talk to me?"

"If you shut up and stop making Frozen references then yes."

"Ok, in that case. Yes, some things never change, like the feel of your hand in mine-" he slapped a hand over my mouth, "The second film counts you know."

"What has gotten into you? You're usually all happy and everything! Like a less extreme version of Athena."

"If you must know, there's a storm coming tonight and I'm scared, okay?! You can laugh now."

I stayed silent but smiled softly bringing my hands up to my heart.

"Why aren't you laughing?"

"Because it's not funny, Apollo. If I'm being honest, I have a fear of water."

"Really? So that's why you didn't want to come to the pool with us! I'm sorry if we pressured you in any way. Trucy and Athena can be very persuading at times."

"It's not your fault Apollo. It's just something that happened when I was a child BUT we're not going to get into my backstory right now. Come on, we're watching a film until the storm passes, okay?"

He nodded and was going to walk off but we heard a clap of lightning and he jumped into my arms, "Eeeeep!" I giggled slightly.

"I thought you said it wasn't funny!"

"It's not. I was giggling at your cuteness. You're really cute when you're scared."

"Am not!" he replied, face going red.

"You are, I think you're adorable, no matter what you do."


"Yes, I-I love you, Apollo," I admitted. It was now my turn to go red. The next thing I knew I was lying on my back on the sofa with Apollo hovering above me, "Well, it's a good thing I love you too then isn't it?" he spoke before leaning down and kissing me. I melted into it immediately and wrapped my arms around his neck.


The next day we walked into the agency hand in hand and Trucy was ecstatic to see Apollo back, considering he'd been locked up for the past three days.

"How did you-?"

"Get him to come out? Frozen and confessions, Athena," I replied pecking Apollo on the cheek, his face going the same colour as his vest. Athena was immediately pestering him, "Tell me everything!"


"Tell me or... You have to be Trucy's assistant for her next magic show!"

"Athena, that doesn't work. Trucy will find a way to make him be her assistant anyway. You're going to have to find something else to bribe him with."

"In that case, you tell me (Y/n). What happened yesterday?"

"I'm not telling you either, Athena."

"Oh yeah? Well I hope you like tickles then," she spoke approaching me. I, being taller and stronger than her, grabbed her and pinned her down, "What was that about tickles Athena?"

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