Cuteness (Phoenix x Child! Defendant! Reader)

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Basically, you're a child and you're put on trial, Phoenix defends you... Someone gets told off.... You are about 7 or 8 btw

Set after Dual Destinies


I was sitting in my room playing when I heard the door open. I was going to investigate but I heard my mum call, "(Y/n), stay in you're room please!" I stayed in my room until I heard a scream. I rushed out my room to see my mother lying on the floor with a knife sticking out of her and a man running out the house. I ran to my mother and tried to remove the knife to try and save her. It was to no avail because even once I had the knife out she still wouldn't wake up.

"Freeze! It's the cops!" I heard a shout and the door barged open. In came a guy with a green coat on. He eventually noticed me, "Hello there, who are you?"

"(Y/n)," I replied backing away from him.

"Hey it's ok, were not here to hurt you. We just got a phone call saying that someone had witnessed a murder... Wait, you're coming with me," he said grabbing my arm and dragging me out the house and into a car. I was scared, "Can you please tell me what happened and why you've basically just kidnapped me?"

"Well, you were the only one in the house other than the victim and a witness said that they saw you killing your mother."

I was shocked, "I would never! I'm just a kid! Why did you arrest me!?"

"Listen, pal, it's our job, but I will get you the best defence attorney there is."

"Really? I thought detectives were supposed to work with the prosecution to put the defendant jail?!"

"Well, technically yes, however, I happen to be an exception. I have had so many pay cuts that the department just don't really care anymore."

"Well, thank you!" I spoke.


"Miss, someone wants to see you," a guard spoke before opening the door to my cell. I stood up and followed him to the visitor's room to see someone I recognised, "Mystic Maya!" I shouted running up to the glass and standing on the chair, because I was too small to bee seen if I sat on it.

"(Y/n)? What in the world are you doing in here?"

"Well, I was sitting in my room playing and someone comes in to our house creating a ruckus, eventually killing my mother. Then a guy in a green trenchcoat comes in shouting "Freeze! It's the cops!" and arrests me, he brings me here saying he will 'get me the best defence attorney'. So, I'm guessing that your friend is him?" I replied looking at the guy wearing a blue suit.

"Of, course it was Gumshoe! Yes, we will get you out of this, mainly because you seem to know Maya, and she will have my head if I don't."

"Thank you!" I shouted.


"Pal, you gotta help me! You gotta defend someone for me! I will give you any information you want just defend her!"

"Gumshoe, did Maggey get arrested again? Is that why you're so worked up?"

"No, no, no, pal. It's worse, it's a child."

"What?! A child? You arrested a child!?"

"Yes, I know but she was the only one there and a witness said they saw her committing the crime!"

-------------- BACK TO YOUR POV

"Thank you again, Mr Nick," I spoke hugging him and Mystic Maya "Umm, Mystic Maya? Are you going to help Mr Nick help me?"

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