Troubled Pasts (Apollo x Athena's Twin Sister! Reader)

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I know there's a lot of Apollo ones. I just came up with this and I wanted to do it! And I know I've already done an Apollo one with the reader being Athena's sister, but again it fit for the story.

Warnings: Spoilers for Dual Destinies

Time: During Dual Destinies

This is also basically a 'rant' about Turnabout For Tomorrow with the reader involved with a slight Apollo x Reader at the end



"Please! He's done nothing! He didn't kill her! You have to listen!" me and Athena both shouted at the witness stand, trying to save Simon from going to jail, "He didn't kill her! Please!"

Still, the Judge wouldn't listen. Simon was still found Guilty. After the incident, I shut myself out from everyone. Including Athena.


I woke up in a cold sweat. Not again! Why does this keep happening?  I tried to bring myself from my thoughts but it didn't work I just started crying to myself. 

"(Y/n)? Are you ok?"

"I guess not. But I'm fine. Just thinking."

"What about?"

"You don't want to know. Plus I don't want to talk about it."

No matter what I tried, the nightmare still came back and when there was a re-trial of the incident, it brought a thought to my mind.  Did I really kill Mother? It sounds more and more likely the more this trial drags on. I was sitting in the defendant chair, trying to contain my emotions and that's when I heard Athena speak.


"Boss, something's up with (Y/n). She's not her usual self."

"What do you mean Athena?"

"I mean, she's panicking on the inside and she's trying to contain it so the whole courtroom doesn't see her in that state. I'm afraid she'll breakdown if she has to listen to any more."

"Your Honour, the defence requests the defendant rests in the lobby for the rest of the trial."

"Really, Mr Wright? Do you have a reason?"

I was that point when I noticed (Y/n). She was shaking and I realised she was about to break. "Your Honour, I hate to e so rude but, I'm begging you! She can't cope with being in here!"

"Very well. Bailiff! Please bring the defendant to the lobby."

I silently let out the breath I was holding. At least (Y/n) won't have to listen to whatever Simon says. 


"Prosecutor Blackquill, can you please tell us what really happened that day seven years ago?"

"It was a tragedy -- one I'll never forget. When I arrived at the lab... Dr. Cykes was already dead. She was lying on the operating table... while the bloody katana lay on the floor. And standing between the two, covered in blood, was (Y/n). Athena was lying passed out on the floor on the other side of the lab. (Y/n) smiled, with a far-off look in her eyes, as she sweetly said...

'Something's wrong with Mom, so I'm taking her apart to fix her!'"


"...That's what I saw. And now you have it -- the truth that you so desperately wanted."

(N-No... Prosecutor Blackquill finally tells the truth... and THIS is what it is...? It's... beyond devastating...!)


"I think it's time we hear from the defendant herself don't you, Your Honour?" Edgeworth spoke. Are you that stupid Edgeworth? She'll faint if she has to relive that horrible incident.

"Your Honour! The defence objects to having the defendant testify!"

"Why is that Mr Wright?"

"Because, she's not in the right mindset at the moment! She was eleven at the time!"

"I'm sorry Mr Wright, but the prosecution is correct. We do need to hear from the defendant."


"So it was me... I... I'm the one... who killed... mother...?" (Y/n) spoke shaking more and leaning on the witness stand.

(Y/n), no. I won't let it happen. Apollo will kill me if your thrown in jail. 

"As I said, Wright... The truth isn't always... pretty... Murder, disassembly on an operating table, a scientist using her daughters as guinea pigs... Sadly, it appears that my theory was correct after all," Edgeworth spoke.

Way to rub it in. Thank Edgeworth.

"It's true that the twins didn't like their mother's research, but... dare cast aspersions on my mentor by claiming they were used in such a manner?! Dr. Cykes could be awkward with people, but she loved her daughters with all her heart!"

"She really loved us?"

"Your mother hated to see you suffer because you could hear the voices of people's hearts. She wanted to set you free of your pain, so she worked tirelessly on her research. Do you remember those headphones you hated so much?"


The trial eventually ended and both (Y/n) and Blackquill were found innocent. (Y/n) ran up to me hugging me and Athena soon followed, "Thank you so much! You saved both me and Simon and for that I will forever be in your debt," (Y/n) spoke before releasing me. I then remembered something, "Apollo, was there not something you wanted to say to (Y/n)?"

"What? Oh yeah," he paused, clearing his throat, "(Y/n), this probably sounds completely ridiculous but, I've had a crush on you for a while," he continued going bright red.


"Apollo! You should have told me earlier!" I shouted literally jumping on him and kissing him, "I love you too!"


Is it good? Also, would you be interested in me making this a full story? I really didn't actually want it to end. I was running with the trial and I was literally going to do the whole thing.

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