Unnecessary Feelings (Edgeworth x Reader)

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This was a prompt a friend gave me "Talking about feelings makes me uncomfortable"


"Wright. I need your help with something."

"What do you need Edgeworth? You can ask me anything and I'll answer to the best of my ability."

"How do you confess your feelings to a girl, when talking about feelings makes you uncomfortable?"

"Whoever it is just tell her. You'll have to get over the uncomfortableness eventually."

"Thanks, Wright."

The next day I knew (Y/n) had a trial, because Phoenix told me. I decided to watch the trial and planned to confess to her after. If she lost then it would make her day better, if she won then it would make a great day even better. That's if she felt the same way.

"(Y/n), can I talk to you please?" 

"Of course you can, but might I ask why you're calling me by my first name rather than 'Wright' like you usually do."

"Well, you see, you don't really call someone that you like by their surname do you?"

"You like me?"

Should not have said that. I should not have said that! I thought to myself.

I snapped out of my daze when I felt pressure on my lips. I looked down to see (Y/n) kissing me. When she saw I noticed she broke off and ran away.


I ran off once I realised he noticed what I had done. Stupid (Y/n) he probably hates you now! I continued to scold myself running back to the Agency when I felt a hand grab my arm, "(Y/n), I'm guessing that you kissing me means that you like me back." I nodded and wrapped my arms round his neck kissing him again and soon feeling his arms wrap round my waist. We then heard a snap of a camera and three female voices giggling, "We finally got one! Yes! Polly owes me now!" I walked over to the bush where the giggling was coming from with Miles following behind. On the count of three we leaned over the bush and grabbed the three girls and the camera, me grabbing Athena and Trucy and Miles grabbing Pearl and the camera, "What were you three doing? Wait a minute were you stalking us? More specifically me!" They all looked to the ground, "I'll take that as a yes then."

We let them go but Miles keeping hold of the camera. I gave him a quick peck on the cheek which made the three girls start fangirling before I sent them a glare, "I'll take care of these three, Miles and if they don't listen then I guess they will.... be cleaning the toilets everyday. I'm sure Apollo needs a rest anyway."

I brought the three of them back to the agency, "NICK! You need to learn to control you employees/child/friend's cousin." He came out of the other room, "These three have been spying on me, waiting for me to kiss Miles, so they could get a picture. I will leave you to deal with them, I have something I was in the middle of." I left the agency and found Miles, in his office, "Miles, about your confession." I walked up to him, grabbed his collar and kissed him again, "Love you."

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