Misunderstanding Brother (Acro x Reader)

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Requested By: AllandFarAway

(I'm sorry if this is terrible.)

Title: BxngtanSky


"Are you ready (Y/n)?"

"Ready as I'll ever be, now get me up there!" I replied. I took a deep breath before climbing up to the trapeze, ready to go. I was still nervous despite the fact there was a net under me as well as Bat ready to catch me if I did fall. He was helping me practice as I was an up and coming acrobat/trapeze artist.

I took hold of the bar (I don't know what it's called) and steeped off the platform, putting all my trust in the trapeze. It was going perfectly fine until my hands got sweaty because of my nerves and I fell. I landed on the net before bouncing up again. I bounced up somewhere not above the net and panicked. I closed my eyes ready to hit the ground but never felt the impact. It was when I opened my eyes that I realised Bat had caught me.

"Thank you, if you hadn't caught me I probably would have needed a hospital."

"You're welcome, (Y/n). We can't have a new member getting hurt so quickly can we?"

"I suppose you're right, but if you don't mind, I need to get something from my room. Brb," I said pecking him on the cheek and walking off to the lodging house.


I was watching (Y/n) rehearse with Bat. She fell off the bar and he caught her but when he put her down I noticed she pecked him on the cheek before walking off. I felt a twang of jealousy before approaching him, "Bat, what did I tell you?!"

"Oh, you saw that, didn't you? I'm sorry. She did it herself I didn't ask her to do it!"

"How do I know you're not just lying to save you're skin!?"

"I'm not! I'm your brother, you should trust me when I tell you something!"

"I do trust you! It's just that I told you I had a crush on (Y/n)! And what do you do? You go and steal her from me!"

It was then the I heard the sound of a water bottle falling on the ground. I turned round to see (Y/n) with a bright red face and shock written all over her face. Upon realising she must have heard what I said my face went bright red, "Did you hear that?"


"Did you hear that?" Acro asked. I didn't reply and just ran up to him, wrapping my arms round his neck and kissing him. I saw his eyes widen before I felt his arms wrap round my waist. We eventually pulled away for air. "You could have just told me, Acro. I love you too," I spoke kissing him again noticing Bat looking very disgusted and embarrassed. "I'm just going to go now...." he said walking away.


(Sorry it's so short. My creative juices aren't flowing at the moment.)

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