Goodbye White! Hello May! (April May x Reader)

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Requested By: Outorou-Shingo

Request: April May. The reader is best friends with her and convinces her not to work with Redd White. This could lead to a happy end where Mia doesn't die.

Time: Before Turnabout Sisters

Warnings: Swearing


"April you have to listen to me! You don't have to listen to him! Redd White is a fucking manipulative bastard! Seriously please listen to me! He's blackmailed several people to get where he is! I know that if you continue to work for him, it'll end up with you getting in jail! Please trust me!"

"I do trust you, (Y/n). You know what I'll go and resign right now!" She spoke running out the room and towards Bluecorp. That's my girl. I remembered something April had told me about White's plan. Shit. I ran out the hotel and straight to the Fey and Co Offices. I knocked on the door. Come on Ms Fey, open up!

She eventually opened the door, "Oh (Y/n)! This is a surprise!"

"Yeah, I really need to talk to you, and quickly."

"Well come in then," she replied opening the door wider and letting me in, "So what is this about?"

"Ok, this is going to sound completely un-realistic but, hear me out. Whatever you do, do not be here tonight between eight and ten. Redd White told April that he wants to kill you tonight, so if you value your life please trust me, don't be here tonight between that time frame."

"What?! Really?"

"Yes please trust me!"

"Ok, I'll believe you."

"Thank you! Bye!" I shouted rushing out the Office and back to the hotel before White and April got back.


"You little bitch! You're the one that put a stop in my plans! Now you'll pay!" White shouted at me before striking me with a bottle.


I eventually passed out from blood loss.


I got back to the hotel to see (Y/n) lying on the ground blood round her head. Oh no! This is bad! I called the police deciding not to tamper with anything.

The police eventually arrived along with the forensics. They found that (Y/n) wasn't dead, just unconscious. I let out the breath I had been holding, Thank God! I still have a chance to tell her how I felt.


The minute I was allowed, I rushed to (Y/n)'s room in the hospital, "(Y/n)! I'm so glad you're ok! Please don't ever scare me again!"

"Hey, April, don't worry, I have no intention on doing so. You have nothing to worry about," she replied slightly weak and still recovering, "I wouldn't want to worry my best friend now would I?"

I sighed softly to myself, I knew she only like me as a friend. Why did I even think she'd think of me as anything else?

"April, that's not true actually."

"What do you mean? and how did you know what I was thinking?"

"I can tell what you're thinking by your facial expressions remember? But anyway, I think of you much more than a friend, I've had a crush on you for the longest time. I just never wanted to admit it because I thought you'd never feel the same."

"Well, that's where you're wrong (Y/n). I've had a crush on you for a while as well, I just always believed you were straight."

She just laughed and pulled me down on her bed, kissing me, "Love you."

"Love you too, (Y/n)," I replied kissing her again. We broke off when we heard the door opening, "(Y/n)? We're sorry about what happened."


"Oh, Ms Fey! Mr Wright! How did you know I was here?"

"April told us. Actually she called us about ten minutes ago, saying that you'd been struck on the head with a bottle and you were lying unconscious on the floor of your hotel room."

"I thought she'd died! I was scared, I mean she's my best-Girlfriend and I didn't want to live without her."

I smiled softly at this, rubbing her back, "I know you were worried, April. And rightfully, White did hit me pretty hard with that bottle."

"Any idea why, he hit you (Y/n)?"

"Yeah, I have a pretty good idea. Ms Fey, do you remember the day that I told you not to be in the office?"

"Yes, thank you, (Y/n). I would probably be dead by now if you hadn't told me."

"Well the next day, Mr White came to mine and April's hotel room, annoyed calling me a little bitch for telling you that he planned to kill you, then he just hit me with the bottle."

"Oh you poor thing!"

"(Y/n), you are not a bitch! Don't let White get to you! You are the best thing in this world, don't let anyone tell you otherwise!"

"Really? You really think that of my April?"

"YES! I love you so much and don't you forget it!"

"Love you too, April."

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