(Edgeworth x Athena's Sister! Reader)

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I want to clarify, the reader is 30 so there is no major age gap! (Except between the reader and Athena.)

There will be two separate endings for this one, a good one and a 'bad' one.


(Also as if Apollo never left BTW)


"(Y/n), stop pacing, it'd going to be fine. Mr Wright's going to prove Athena's innocence," Apollo told me while I was pacing back and forth in the Agency.

"Really? I know he's going to try his best but, I know what happened that day. Even if he manages by some miracle to get Simon to tell the truth, it will be absolutely devastating for Athena's case! This is all my fault! I should have taken the blame, not Athena. I made a promise to our mother that if anything happened to her, I'd take care of Athena and I couldn't even do that! I'm such a failure!" I broke down and started crying after collapsing onto the sofa.

"(Y/n), you're not a failure. Don't ever say that! It's not your fault either. Just listen, it's all going to be ok, calm down."

"You're right, Apollo. Mr Wright will try his best. Come on! We're going to go and watch!" I shot up and grabbed his hand, dashing out the Agency.  


"Regardless the circumstance, I intend to question the defendant will all I have. For that is a part of my creed."

Why are you doing this Miles? You promised nothing would happen to Athena. I started softly snivvling to myself, sitting in the destroyed gallery of Courtroom 4. I then felt an arm wrap round my shoulder, "It's going to be fine, (Y/n). Trust me, ok?"

"I always trust you, Apollo. I know you belive in Athena's innocence as well, despite her print.... Wait a minute, I've figured something out!"

"What, you did? What is it?"

"The reason why Athena's prints are on the knife that killed Clay! It's from seven years ago! When I discovered her there at the scene, I saw her stab someone in the hand! I remember it clearly! It was that utility knife! That's why!"

"Well, get down there and testify to it!"

"Apollo, I can't just interrupt a trial to testify, you should know that!"

"Your Honour, the prosecution would like to call on a witness from seven years ago; the defendant's older sister."

"Well it seems I get to testify after all," I spoke leaving the gallery and walking to the witness stand which had also been destroyed in the bombing.

"Witness, name and occupation."

"(Y/n) Cykes, defence attorney," I answered.

"Please testify about seven years ago."


"Yessir! I'd had gone to the Robotics Lab to see Athena and mother, but when I got there, I witnessed something. I was Athena standing there and another person in the room, I couldn't identify them because they were wearing a mask, but they'd put our mother's jacket on, probably to disguise themselves from Ponco. I then saw Athena stab them in that hand, she didn't kill mother, I know it! And she didn't kill Clay either, the prints on the knife are from seven years ago!"

"Mr Wright, your cross-examination."

"Yes, Your Honour. Miss Cykes could you repeat your testimony?"


"I will now pass the verdict on the defendant, Athena Cykes..."


"NOT GUILTY! Court adjourned!"

I smiled to myself, Good, Miles. You kept your promise. I walked out the courtroom and ran to Athena hugging her, "I'm so glad you're safe!"

"Yep! I'm good!"

I broke off and approached Mr Wright, "Thank you, I don't know what I would have done if Athena had been found Guilty. You wouldn't mind if I hugged you, would you?"

"No, it's fine, (Y/n). You know I'd always defend Athena no matter the circumstances." I then hugged him, "Thank you again."

"(Y/n), can I talk to you please?"

"You don't need to ask my permission to talk to me, Miles You should know that by now," I replied walking up to him and pecking him on the cheek, "You are my boyfriend after all."

"Right, but as I said, I do want to talk to you."

"Well, say it then. I'm all ears!"

"Ok. We've been going out for three years and it's been the best three years of my life, granted my life had been a nightmare, but... anyway what I wanted to ask was, if you'd be interested in spending the rest of your life with me and marry me?" he continued getting down on one knee and producing a ring. I felt tears prick my eyes, "Yes! Of course, I will!" He stood up and placed the ring on my finger, kissing me. "Love you."

"Love you too, (Y/n)."

"Eeeeeeeee!" Athena squealed running up and hugging me, "Finally!"

"Thena, please get off me!"

--------------'BAD' ENDING

"Guilty! Bailiff! Take the defendant away!" I walked out the courtroom and was going to go home but I felt an arm grab my wrist, "(Y/n), please hear me out." I got out his grip, "No. You promised no harm would come to her and she'd be free, NOT IN JAIL. I'm sorry Miles, but this, we're over. Please never contact me again. and that includes getting Mr Wright or Apollo or Trucy to talk to me for you. I don't want to speak to you," I finished before walking out the courthouse, crying to myself.


You idiot! She told you not to let Athena get put in jail and what do you do?! Oh, shut up conscience! You're no help right now. I know I messed up. Also if I'm an idiot doesn't that make you one as well? You are a part of me. Shut up! I was brought from mythoughts when I felt a hand on my shoulder, "What do you want Wright?" I asked, harshly.

"What I want, is to know what you did that for! (Y/n) told you not to let Athena go to jail and you go and do it anyway. I completely understand why she broke up with you," he replied before walking off.

"I know I messed up, but please, make sure she's ok. She told me never to contact her but I don't want any more harm/hurt to come to her."

"Fine, I'll keep a look out for her."


I ran back to the agency and locked myself in the bathroom. I took out the knife I'd hidden in my bag and leaned on the sink. I started to cry softly, I'm sorry, Mother. I couldn't protect Athena. I brought the knife over my wrist just to hear the door to the agency opening.


I woke up in a hospital to see the one person I least expected to be there, "Miles?"

"(Y/n), I'm so sorry! I know I promised you but, I'm sorry. I hope you can forgive me."

"Yes, I'll forgive you, mainly for one reason. I found out this morning, you're going to be a father. I was going to tell you if Mr Wright won the case, but it seems that didn't happen." 

"Again, I'm sorry."

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