The Past Brings People Together (Edgeworth x Reader)

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High School AU

Requested By: Me!

Warnings: Mention of death

Changes: Franziska and Edgeworth are the same age, Edgeworth was 15 when DL-6b happened, not 9/10


8th January 2002

I was walking to my class that I had first period when I spotted my friend, "Franny! How was Christmas break?"

She came running up to me, bringing someone with her, "Hey (Y/n)! Mine was great!"

"Who's this?"

"Oh, (Y/n), this is Miles. Miles this is my friend (Y/n)."

"Pleasure to meet you (Y/n), Miles Edgeworth," he spoke bowing.

"It's good to meet you too, Miles." I recognised his surname, his father was the victim in the DL-6 incident. I decided that I wouldn't bring it up as it would still be a raw wound. "Come on, (Y/n)! We're going to be late!" Franziska said grabbing my arm and dragging me to History.

--------A Few Months Later

I was sitting out by the pond that was round the back of our school with Miles when I finally decided to speak up, "Miles, if there is anything you ever want to talk about, I'm here for you, ok?"

"I understand that, thank you, (Y/n)," he replied, coming slightly closer to me, making my face heat up. I had gained a crush on him in the months I'd known him.

"You know, I lost my parents at a young age as well. I was 7 when it happened, there was a car accident, both my parents died and I was left with a broken wrist as well as a sprained ankle. I live with my grandmother, but she just hates me. She keeps saying it's my fault my parents are dead and I believe it, if I hadn't persuaded them to take me to that dance show, it would never have happened," I spoke tearing up. Miles pulled me closer to him, "I'm sorry you had to go through that (Y/n). But you could say, we're two peas in a pod, we've both been through a lot and neither of us have recovered."

"But, I lost my parents, eight years ago. You only lost your father a few months ago, you should still be upset about it. I on the other hand have no excuse. My grandmother was right, I am just a worthless waste of space," I spoke tearing up again and just letting the tears fall.

"(Y/n), you are not a waste of space and you're not worthless either. You mean so much to me, if it wasn't for you, I'd feel like my life didn't have any meaning to it. My father was the only family I had, and after that incident, my life went downhill, but meeting you, I regained that spark of hope in my life," Miles spoke placing a hand on my cheek, "I love you (Y/n). I love you so much, more that Franziska loves her riding crop."

I smiled before leaning in and pressing my lips to his, "I love you too," I said breaking away.

----------------------- Ten Years Later - Turnabout Goodbyes


"Wright, I don't want you getting involved! You don't need to do this!"

"Edgeworth! I'm not leaving you without an attorney!"

"Who said you'd be doing that?!"

"But you just said that no one would take your case?!"

"I already have an attorney! Just leave!"



"Hold it! Your Honour, the defence has a new suspect in the DL-6 incident!"

"Very well, Miss (L/n) who is this suspect?" I pointed to Von Karma only for the whole courtroom to gasp, "It makes perfect sense, the reason why he took that one vacation after the incident, the reason why he tried to conceal evidence, the reason he keeps clutching his shoulder when he's panicking, he also has a motive; the day of the incident, Gregory Edgeworth had sullied his perfect record with a penalty, the only penalty he'd ever received. Sending a letter to Yanni Yogi, the defendant of the incident to get back at Edgeworth by taking revenge on his son, my client, and Yogi was the perfect tool, due to the fact that he lost a lot due to the insanity plea that Hammond, forced on him saying it was the only way he could get off the hook. His fiancé killed herself, he lost his job, everything and framing my client for Hammond's murder was only part of Von Karma's plan. To get back at the person who left a scar on his shoulder. When the young Miles through the gun to get Yogi off of his father, the gun fired hitting the murderer otherwise known as Von Karma on the outside of the elevator, hence the scream, Miles then passed out. The elevator doors opened and when Von Karma saw the gun lying on the ground next to the man who sullied his perfect record. I wonder Prosecutor Von Karma, what did you do?"

He started growling, "You little how did you figure it out? Edgeworth! I'll end just like I ended your-" he didn't finish his sentence as he realised what he said and pulled out a gun from his pocket. I ducked under the defence bench, the Judge hid under his bench and Miles hid under the witness stand. I stood up and spoke, "Your Honour, that sounds an awful lot like a confession if you ask me."

"Yes, I agree. I see no room for misinterpretation of the facts. Bailiff! Take Mr Von Karma away. I will now pass the verdict on the defendant Miles Edgeworth, NOT GUILTY!"

I was so thankful, I saved him. I walked out and met Miles in the defendant Lobby, "See, I told you I'd get you free from a murder charge and your nightmares."

"Thank you (Y/n), I'm glad I chose you over Wright now." I smiled and kissed him, "Love you."

"Love you too, (Y/n)."

"Hey Nick! It's Edgeworth!" We heard Maya shout.

"Maya, he has a first name you know," I replied when they got closer.

"How do you know me? I've never seen you before."

"I'm (Y/n), I'm-"

"-None of your business Miss Fey," Miles finished my sentence. I stepped on his foot, "Miles, no. Maya I'm sorry about him. I'm his girlfriend."

"So you're the girl he won't shut up about?"

I turned to Miles to see him with a bright red face, "I don't go on about her Wright. It was one time!"

"Sure Edgeworth, sure. So how'd you do? In your trial, I mean."

"This little angel saved me, from both a murder wrap and my nightmares."

"So she's the one you turned me down for?!"

"Yes, Wright. I trust her more than you. Also she knew about the incident so I didn't need to explain anything. She's also been there for me since the incident."

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