Accidentally Confessed (Adrian Andrews x Engarde's Sister! Reader)

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Requested by: @Outorou-Shingo

As if, the whole Farewell, My Turnabout incident didn't happen and neither did Celeste committing suicide.

Title: BxngtanSky


Being the sister of a famous actor has its ups and downs. For starters there's the fact that I go with him to and premieres of films he's in as well as the fact that Matt lives like a king, which is good for me, because I get to live with him till I find in his words 'A respectable and perfect suitor' I still don't know why he couldn't have just let me pick by myself, why did I need his opinion? If I love a person, it shouldn't matter what Matt thinks, should it?

"Hey, (Y/n)? Earth to (Y/n), your brother's talking to you!"

I snapped out my daze, "Sorry Matt, what were you saying?"

"I was just saying that the premiere of the 'Nickel Samurai Movie' is tonight, you coming?"

"Of course! You know I would see anything that had you in it! You are my brother after all and I love you!"

"Love you too little sis! No go and get ready, we have half an hour!"

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!? That's not enough time!"

"I've been trying to get your attention for the past ten minutes!"

I ran inside and up to my room, grabbing the dress I always wore for Matt's premieres. It was a beautiful silk (F/C) dress, with (S/F/C) puffy sleeves. I did my hair like I always did, half up-half down with the down bit curled and the up bit in a plat. I rushed downstairs to see Matt waiting by the door.

"Ready to go, sis?"

"Ready as I'll ever be!"

"Come on then," he replied taking my arm and walking me out to the limo that was waiting.


We were at the after party of the premiere and the film was amazing, "Matt, you did great!"

"So did you little sis."

That's right, I got to play a minor role in the film. I was ecstatic when Matt told me I would get to do it. I guess he persuade the director and casting person to let me do it, despite the fact I had very little acting experience.

"That's Matt!"

"Mr Engarde. Is there anything I can do for you?" Adrain asked. She was Matt's manager.

"Nothing at the moment! No if you'll excuse us," he said leading me away. Once we were out of earshot I spoke, "Matt, you need to stop being so rude! She's you manager for crying out loud!"

"I know that but, she's supposed to do as I say!"

"But still, try to be less rude. For me?"

"Fine. I'll try," he replied rolling his eyes.

"Love you, Matt."

"Love you too, (Y/n)." I pecked him on the cheek in a sisterly way before walking off.


"Love you Matt."

"Love you too, (Y/n)."

I watched as she pecked him on the cheek before walking off. I guess I can't get too jealous. Everyone wants the actor rather than the manager. I sighed to myself, letting a single tear drip from my face. I then felt a hand on my shoulder, "Don't think like that. You know now everyone actually wants the actor. I for one certainly don't, that would be some weird incest. I mean he already has so many fangirls."

"(Y/n)? What are you talking about?" I asked wiping the tears away that had started to run down my face, "What do you mean incest?"

"Matt's my brother."

That hit me like a rock, I had no idea about it. "Really?"

"Yep! He can be a pain though, but I get to go to all these movie premiers! And I don't have to pay a ridiculous amount of money for it, I get in for free!" she said fist-bumping the air.

This is why I can't help falling for you (Y/n).


"Did, I say that out loud?" I felt my face go red. She nodded, "I'm sorry, that was supposed-" I was shut up by pressure on my lips, she's kissing you! React you fool! I wrapped my arms round her waist, soon feeling hers wrap round my neck. We eventually broke off due to lack of Oxygen, because you know, we need oxygen to breathe. (Not you too Adrian!) What? (Y/n), made us all take part is this thing where we ha to see, who could break to fourth wall the most, it not my fault, I just want to win! (God, I'm going to kill that girl when I get my hands on her! Pitty there was only two thinker statues made... Wait a second. Larry!)

Larry: Yes, Author-Chan?

(Can you make another 'Thinker' Statue, for me please?)

Larry: Why?

(because (Y/n), needs to be punished for making you all break the forth wall so much.)

Larry: Oh here. *Hands Author Thinker Statue*

(Thanks Larry!)

(Back to the one shot)

"I love you, Adrian."

I was shocked at her confession, "I love you too, (Y/n). But you might want to watch out, Author-Chan is after you."


"Something about you making us all do a challenge to break the forth wall."

"Oh. Well, Author-Chan can't hurt me, after all no me means no more one shots." she kissed me again.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?"

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