Money Can Create Happiness (Skye sisters x Sister! Reader)

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Requested By: Outorou-Shingo

Request: Could you do a fluffy sister oneshot of the Skye sisters and the reader? Like all three are sisters, and when Ema and the reader finds out about Lana's arrest, they do anything they can to get her out

Time: Rise from the Ashes and after

Title: BxngtanSky


"(Y/n)! You have to help!"

"What is it, Ema?" I replied.

"Lana got arrested!"

"What?! I thought Mr Wright managed to prove her innocence!"

"He did but you didn't let me finish! I was going to say that she was arrested for tampering with evidence in the SL-9 incident!"


"I know! It's totally unfair! She did it to protect me!"

"Is there any proof?!"

"Well, she did admit to it."

"That's bad. I won't be able to defend her in court if she's admitted to it," I started pacing around the living room.

"(Y/n), calm down," Ema spoke, placing a hand on my shoulder in an attempt to calm me down.

"How? When Lana is rotting in jail and there's nothing I can do!" I replied, continuing to pace about the room. I paced for a long time until I thought of an idea, "Ema, how much do you think it would take to just straight up, bail her out?"

"Where's that come from? I don't know probably a lot."

"You coming?"


"To ask at the police station to see how much it will take to bail her out," I spoke walking to the door after putting my shoes on. She ran up to me and put her shoes on, "Yep!"

We left the house and went straight to the police station. When we arrived I spoke to one of the guards and they told me the answer. I replied, "I don't care how much it is!"

"Very well then."

I pulled out my chequebook (Don't judge! It's a real thing!) and wrote a cheque. I handed the guard the cheque and he walked off. We waited for a while before we heard footsteps, "(Y/n)? Ema?"

We turned round and ran up to her, "Lana! We're so glad to see you!"

"Hold on, did you two bail me out?"


"I'm so glad you're my sisters!"

"We're glad you're our sister, Lana."


Sorry for the short chapter! I couldn't think of anything to write for this!

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