Comfort (Edgeworth x Maya's Sister! Reader)

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Character: Miles 

Reader's personality: Maybe a reader that's really quiet, and doesn't really like attention. Reader's relation: Maya's sister
Timing: The second case of the first Ace Attorney game (uH-oH mIa'S dEaD)
Plot: The reader is really upset about Mia's death and Maya's arrest, so they're crying during one of the recesses during the trial. Both Phoenix and Maya don't really seem to notice since they're both really nervous about the trial. Miles happens to notice though, and we get some awkward soft boi Miles moments where he tries to comfort the reader. The reader thanks him for it after the trial is over and that's when Maya takes notice and becomes an absolute shipping machine. I hope this makes sense.
Title: "Comfort"



"(Y/n) are you going to come and visit Mia with me?"

"I'll think about it Maya. With both mum and Mia gone, I'm in line to take over the Fey clan. I need to make sure my powers are spot on!"

"Please! You said you'd come the next time I went the last time!"

"Fine! I'll come. I need a break from training anyway."

"Yay! I'm going to go and call Mia! Burgers!" She shouted hugging me before walking off. Oh, Maya. What ever will I do with you and your silliness?  I shook my head, snapping out my daze and walked off to pack.


"Come on (Y/n)! and here!" Maya shouted stopping in front of a building un expectidaly. She grabbed my hand and dragged me inside, "Mia! We're here!"


I sniffed the air. Blood? What the hell is blood doing in here? "Maya, stay here, I'm going to investigate," I spoke and she went to sit on the sofa. I walked into Mia's office and nearly fainted at the sight. Mia's body slumped against the wall under the window, "No, Mia!" I cried before kneeling next to her body and crying my eyes out. Even though I'd spent more time with Maya I was still closer to Mia than her. Maya then came rushing in, "(Y/n) is everything-Eeek! What the?!" She broke down crying as well and we just held each other, huddling in a corner. It was then we heard a new voice, "Cheif? You here?" They entered the room and noticed us, "Hold on, are you her little sisters?"

"Mia!" We squeaked running back to her body.

"I'll take that as a yes."

"Help! Police! There's been a murder!"


"(Y/n), do you want to help me defend Maya?"

"Yes, sir Mr Wright!" I replied saluting.

"Geez, you're more hyper than Chief said you were."

I looked down at the mention of Mia trying to contain my tears before perking up again, "come on! We need to go! Also if you win this case, you're buying both me and Maya burgers!"

"What?! I never agreed to that!"

"Just get in the courtroom!" I spoke pushing him towards the door and in before following myself.

"Court is now in session for the trial of Maya Fey. Are the defence and prosecution ready?"

"It's been a long time, Edgeworth."

"My word could that be Phoenix Wright?"

"You know, (Y/n). I could really do with the Chief's help in this."

"I'm sorry Mr Wright. Maya wouldn't let me do any training so, I'm not going to be much help."


The trial took a recess and I just huddled myself on one of the sofas in the lobby, crying my eyes out. Oh, Mia. What would you do right now?  It was then that I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see the prosecutor from the trial, "Mr Edgeworth? What brings you here?"

"I came to see whether you were ok. I noticed you crying during the trial."

"Oh, yeah. I'm fine," I replied trying to hold my tears in and failing, "Ok, maybe I'm not ok. It's just Mia. I miss her so much and this is just taking a real toll on me and..." I trailed off, sobbing harder, curling up in a ball. I then felt myself being pulled into a hug, "I know what it's like. I lost my father at a young age. He was shot right in front of me..." he trailed off starting to cry softly.

I wrapped my arms around him, comforting him. I leaned up and wiped the tears from his cheeks, "It's ok, it's not your fault. It's going to be fine."


Maya's trial came to an end and she was found innocent, the same with Mr Wright. He found the real killer and he was sent to jail. Redd White. The CEO of Bluecorp. We walked out the courtroom and I spotted Edgeworth walking out as well. I turned to Maya and Mr Wright who were talking about him getting Maya burgers, "I'll meet you at the offices, I got to do something quickly," I spoke before walking off towards Edgeworth.

"Tough luck today Edgeworth! You tried your best though that's the main thing."

"You know, it's not all about getting a 'Guilty' verdict, it's about finding the truth. I was made blind to that by von Karma. He taught me that it's all about getting a 'Guilty' verdict, but I see now that it's wrong to send innocent people to jail."

"Most people think, you're just a cold hearted man who will do anything for a 'Guilty' verdict  but they don't know you well enough to know the real you."

"What do you think of me, (Y/n)?"

"I think, you're a good guy who just needs someone there for you. It's not fair people judge you just by what you're like in court. There's a well known saying; 'Don't judge a book by it's cover' and I agree with it."

"Really? Well I think you're a very sweet girl who, Itotallyhaven'tdevelopedacrushoninabout2minutesofknowingyou."

I took a minute to process what he said before I leaned up and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips, "It's ok, I feel the same way." He wrapped his arms round my waist and mine went to his neck. I leave in again and kissed him, my fingers tangling in his hair.

"Eeeeee! (Y/n) and Edgeworth sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" I broke off to see Maya with a camera in a hand. I was going to chase her but I felt myself get pulled back, "Leave her, alone, she's just a child a heart."

I kissed him again, "I love you."

"Love you too."

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