Helping Through Fears (Edgeworth x Reader)

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I had always had a fear of lightning ever since my mother was struck by lightning and died right in front of me. Anyway I had been outside for a walk and I had realised that the clouds had turned grey and it had started raining. I knew what this meant, so, I hurried home and called my brother.

"Nick, I need you. I was out for a walk and it started raining. It got heavier once I got home. I need you to comfort me!!" I shouted down the phone.

"Calm down, (N/n). I'll be over in five minutes," He replied.

"Thank you."

I hung up and decided I was going to hide under a blanket until Nick got here.

I had just managed to get to sleep when a lightning bolt struck. I yelped and hid further under the blanket and just as I yelped, 'Nick' barged through my front door. 

"Nick, why couldn't you have come quicker? Lightning bolt. Struck. Outside. Very close." I spoke nervously in broken sentences from under the blanket at the figure I believed was my brother, but as soon as they spoke, I realised it wasn't him.

"(Y/n), I'm not your brother, but he sent me because he got a call saying Maya had been arrested again."

"Miles?" I asked, my scared self still under the blanket.

"Don't worry , I will help you through this. What do you want to do to keep your mind off the storm?"

"We could watch a film?" 

"What film?"

"(F/f), it's in my bedroom." He went upstairs to get the DVD as he already knew where my bedroom was as he had been to my house before and came back a few minutes later. He put the disc in the DVD player and pressed play. He then came and sat next to me on the sofa even though everything but my head of (H/c) hair was covered by the blanket.


About half way though the film my stomach started to rumble, "Miles, I'm hungry."

"This is your house, (Y/n), you can get your own food."

"I know that but, you're supposed to be looking after me!" I dragged out the but to make my point more obvious.

"Fine," he said getting up and walking to the kitchen, "This is why I can't help falling in love with you (Yn)."

He came back a few minutes later with a bowl of popcorn for me, "Thank you," I said taking it from him.

"As long as you're happy and Wright doesn't have my head, there's nothing to say."


The film finished and so did the storm. I took the DVD out the player and put it back in the bow. I walked up to Miles before he left, "I just wanted to say thank you. I wouldn't have made it through the storm if you hadn't of been here," My confidence grew and up stood on my tip toes placing a kiss on his cheek, "Thank you." I noticed his face went red. I turned around going to put the DVD back in my room when he grabbed my wrist pulling me back into him and kissing me softly on the cheek like I'd break if he was too rough. I smiled and kissed back, all my bottled up emotions coming out, "I love you."

"I love you too, (Y/n)," He replied pulling me in for another kiss.

We were interrupted by the front door opening, "Dear burger-loving spirit mediums!"

"Nick! What are you doing back so early? Miles told me you sent him because you were aught up in a trial!"

"Well, that wasn't the whole truth. I was caught up in a trial but it ended pretty quickly, the first witness was the murderer. Just had to press them slightly and they admitted to the murder. But Maya dragged me out for burgers after, and this was kind of my plan, but I never though it would actually work!"

"Wait 'your plan'?! You mean you sent Miles here on purpose just so that we could confess!? This is why I never tell you anything!"

"(Y/n), calm down," Miles said stopping my rant by kissing me again.

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