Turnabout Goodnight (Edgeworth x Phoenix's Sister! Reader)

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Requested By: SkyWolfDoesBooks

Reader's personality: Witty, yet caring.
Reader's relations: Phoenix's sister who's somewhat closer of a friend to Miles than Phoenix is.Timing: Any time after Turnabout Goodbyes. (I'm setting it during Dual Destinies because it's my favourite game. Do not judge!)
Plot: The reader finds Miles asleep at his desk late at night while going to retrieve evidence for Phoenix. She makes him some tea and wakes him up so he can finish his work. She pulls a chair up next to him at his desk to keep him company while he works so he won't fall asleep. Though she's the one who ends up falling asleep on him. Phoenix comes up to Miles office looking for his sister and teases Miles who can't really do anything cause he's trying not to wake the reader.


I was packing up my stuff ready to go home after another day at the Prosecutor's Office. I left my office and I was walking past, I noticed Edgeworth's office door slightly open. Huh? I would have thought he'd have gone home by now. I knocked on the door only to receive no answer. Well, he was always a hard worker. I went in to see him asleep on his desk, his hair all dishevelled and his glasses lying on the floor. I walked over to his desk and bent down to pick them up, placing them back on his desk where I noticed a big pile of paperwork that had still yet to be completed.

I smiled softly and shook him slightly to wake him up, "Mr Edgeworth?" He woke up and wiped his eyes. God, you're adorable when you're tired. "Are you ok? You fell asleep and I was just passing on my way home."

"I guess I did fall asleep. Thank you for waking me up, (Y/n)."

"You're welcome, Mr Edgeworth."

"(Y/n) how many times have I told you not to be so formal with me?"

"Sorry, I can't help it," I replied rubbing the back of my head.

"You know, if I didn't already know you were related to Wright, I definitely would have guessed it."

"Is that a compliment or not? I don't think being like Nick counts as a compliment, Miles."

"Again, thank you for waking me up. You can go home now, (Y/n)," he replied going back to his paper work after putting his glasses back on. I pulled up a nearby chair and sat in it. "What are you doing? I said for you to go home."

"And I'm not leaving until you're finished. I am also going to make sure you don't fall asleep again, ok?"

"There's no stopping you is there?"

"Nope!" I replied getting more comfortable in the chair.



I finally finished the paperwork I was supposed to do and I was going to stand up but I felt arms round my torso and a feminine voice, "Mine." Of course, she fell asleep trying to keep me from falling asleep. It was then that there was a knock on the door, "Come in." The door opened to reveal Wright, "Wright, what brings you here so late a night?"

"I came to get my sister, Edgeworth but I see she's made herself comfortable here."

"Mine, stay," (Y/n) spoke, still asleep and head now resting on my shoulder.

"Adorable. Oh, Athena and Trucy will be happy, they've been shipping the two of you since, well I have no idea when."

"Wright, I suggest you get out before I have to kill you myself."

"If you do that who's going to defend you? Apollo and Athena won't, they look up to me to much, (Y/n) can't because she's a prosecutor-"

"I could become an attorney if I wanted to though, Nick. There's nothing stopping me, I could still go back to law school and study," (Y/n) said waking up and yawning, "And you don't know what you're talking about."


"Really? Well what about this; (Y/n) and Edgeworth sitting in a tree-" I shut him up by slapping him on the back of his head, "Nick no, stop it! Nothing is going on, now LEAVE!"

"Can I say something quickly before you kick me out?"

"As long as it's quick."

"Great! I just wanted to say that you both have feelings for each other so why don't you get on with it and get together already!?"

I felt my face go red and I turned to Miles, "Is what Nick said true? Do you really have feelings for me?"

"If you have feelings for me then yes, I do."

I was shocked and I jumped on him, smashing my lips to his. "Good, because, I love you."

"I love you too."

"Now Apollo owes me! Yes!"


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