Athena's Plan (part 2)

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Me and Simon had been together for a month and he asked me to come to a restaurant to celebrate being together a month.

I got dressed and waited for Simon outside the house Athena and I shared. I had been waiting for him for five minutes when he finally showed up, "you ready, (Y/n)?" He asked getting out of the car.

"I am always ready Simon."

We arrived at the restaurant to be met with Athena, Apollo, Clay, mine and Athena's mother,  Mr Wright, Mr Edgeworth, Trucy, Maya, Pearl and Franziska. We all went in and were shown to a seat and all decided on what to have. I was talking to Maya, Pearl and Trucy about stuff while Simon was talking to Mr Edgeworth and  Mr Wright and the other were talking amongst themselves when the waiter came back to ask us what we wanted when he came to me my response surprised everyone.

"I'll just have a tomato soup please."

After he left with everyone's orders Maya asked me a question, "(Y/n) are you feeling ok? You usually don't have soup, you usually have a burger like me."

"Well Maya, I wanted to try something new. Is that such a crime?"

"No ma'am." She shrunk back in her seat. We ended up playing charades till our food came and I am proud to say I won.

"(Y/n) since when did you become so good at charades?" Apollo asked me.

"Well when you spend 14 Christmases with Athena you have to play it every year and you get a lot of practice." I smirked.

After we all finished our food the waiter came back and asked us if we wanted desserts and most people said yes. Even Simon had one but I didn't, "(Y/n), are you sure you are ok? You haven't been acting like yourself all evening."

"I'm fine Maya, just feeling a bit sick. Excuse me a minute!" I answered running off to the toilets. When I got back once again Maya asked if I was ok and for the third time I said I was fine.

Everyone finished up dessert and we all paid with Simon paying for mine like the gentleman he is. We all said goodbye but before anyone left Simon started talking, "(Y/n), the first time I met you I immediately fell in love and that Halloween party put it over the top with me feelings for you. We've been together for a month and it's been the best month of my life and now I want to take our relationship one step further." He got down on one knee, "(Y/n) Cykes will you marry me?" He continued pulling a ring out from his pocket.

"Yes Simon! Yes I would love to marry you!" I answered tearing up. He stood up and placed the ring on my finger before kissing me, "you know you couldn't have asked me at a better time because I'm pregnant." He squealed with delight which I did not expect of him.

"So that's why you've been act off this past month!" Athena realised.

3 months later

"Do you Simon Blackquill take (Y/n) Cykes to be your lawfully wedded wife? Do you promise to love and cherish her to the very end?"

"I do," Simon replied.

"And you (Y/n) Cykes take Simon Blackquill to be your lawfully wedded husband? Do you promise to love and cherish him to the very end?"

"I do." I answered.

"In that case I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride."

We leaned in and kissed and then pulled away. "I love you Simon." 

"I love you too (Y/n)."

5 more months later

I was doing some paperwork from a previous client when it happened. I felt water running down my legs and just before I collapsed I called Athena, "Athena! It's happening!"

She came running in and helped me up before getting Apollo to help me to the car and her calling Simon. 

"Simon is going to meet us there, (Y/n). Now let's get to the hospital!"

When we got there Simon was waiting outside for us, "(Y/n), honey are you ok?"

"I'm fine Simon, no need to worry."

"(Y/n)! No stealing my catchphrase!" Apollo spoke.

"Too late Polly. Too late!"

We entered the hospital and were shown to a room and a few minutes later my contractions started. Apollo and Athena were ushered out while Simon was allowed to stay. I still don't know why Polly and Thena had to leave cause they're both old enough for this sort of thing. I would understand Trucy or Pearl but Polly and Thena come on.

Two hours later I was holding two little babies in my arms. That's right twins yay! Apollo and Athena were allowed to come back in and Mr Wright and Trucy came along with Maya and Pearl.

"So what are you going to name them?" Was Trucy's first question.

"Well.. we decided to go with Melissa and Iris."

"So who's who?" Pearl asked.

I pointed out which one was who and finally got some peace because Mr Wright and Trucy had to go because Trucy had school in the morning, same with Pearl so Maya brought her back. Apollo and Athena had to go because the were covering the case I was supposed to have. So it was just me and Simon.

Yes this is going to be a great life.

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