T.V. with Trucy (Edgeworth x Phoenix's Sister! Reader)

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Requested By: SkyWolfDoesBooks

Reader's personality: Nothing really specific.
Reader's relations: Phoenix's sister who's good friends with Miles.
Timing: Any time after when Phoenix goes full-on dad mode on Trucy. (I'm choosing (Again) Dual Destinies (Specifically The Monstrous Turnabout as all three of Apollo, Athena and Phoenix are out - Apollo and Athena on the case and Phoenix is watching them.)
Plot: The reader is tasked by Phoenix to take care of Trucy for the day while he's working on a last-minute case. Trucy has a sneaking suspicion about the reader and Miles and convinces the reader to invite him over to watch movies with them. The three of them chill out on the couch to watch some Steel Samarai and the reader finds it cute how into the show Miles is, despite how much he might deny it. 


"(Y/n), I'm begging you! Please can you look after Trucy for the day?!"

"Fine! Geez, you don't need to go over the top with it, Nick. I'd gladly look after Trucy any day of the week!"

"Thank you so much! Sorry this is last minute, but I took on this case last-minute and Apollo and Athena are on cases."

"It's ok, Nick. I didn't have anything planned for today anyway. I'll be at the agency in about five minutes, ok?"

"Thank you so much!"


"Nick, good morning."

"Hi, (Y/n). Thanks again!" he replied hugging me softly before dashing out the agency. I then turned to Trucy, "So, what do you want to do?"

"I dunno, but there was something I wanted to ask."

"Well ask away, Trucy and I will answer to the best of my ability!"

"Is there something going on with you and Mr Edgeworth? Because Daddy keeps talking about how close you are and I was just wondering," she asked with a slight smirk on her face. I felt my face heat up slightly, "No, Trucy, there's nothing going on between us. It's just you're father being a pest as per usual."

"Really?" I nodded and she continued, "Well, I guess I'll have to see for myself!" she squealed taking my phone from my pocket and calling someone.


We had settled down on the sofa when we heard a knock on the door. Trucy shot up immediately and went answer it. I recognised the voice immediately, Why Trucy? I should have just told you straight, shouldn't I? 

"Trucy, why did you ask me to come?"

"To test my theory. Come on Mr Edgeworth," she replied pushing him into the room that I was sitting in. "(Y/n)? Why are you here?"

"Looking after Trucy. Nick asked me last-minute because he had to rush to a case."

"Now we watch TV!" Trucy squealed pushing Miles on to the sofa and grabbing the remote. She returned to the sofa, sitting on my lap, "Trucy I think you're old enough now to dit on the sofa yourself aren't you?"

"I know but I'm cold and I want to snuggle into you," she replied turning on the TV. The first thing that came on, I noticed took Miles's attention; The Steel Samurai. I giggled at him being so interested in it, "Someone's excited."

"(Y/n) I do not like the Steel Samurai. It just brought back memories from an old case, ok?"

"Sure it does Miles," I don't believe you for a second. Adorable. 


We had just finished watching the fifth episode when I fell asleep. I didn't realise at the time that I had fallen asleep onto Miles's shoulder. I was woken up by the sound of a camera snapping and I opened my eyes to see Trucy standing there a camera in her hands, "Athena will want to see this!"

"Trucy, what do you mean?"

"Just this," she replied showing me the picture. My eyes widened when I saw it; she'd managed to snap a picture of me asleep on Miles's shoulder. My face heated up as she continued, "I'm going to put this in a safe place until they get back." She walked off into the other room of the agency leaving me and Miles in the room. I turned back to him, "I'm sorry about Trucy, xhe has a habit of doing that. I guess that's why she and Pearl get along so well together.-" I shut myself up when I felt a hand on my chin, lifting my face up. I then realised it was Miles who'd done it and my face went bright red.

"(Y/n), can I tell you something I should have told you ages ago?"

"Of course! You can tell me anything!"

"Ok well, this is hard to do but I've kind of had a-"

I cut him off, "Just shut up and kiss me already would ya?" On that note, he wrapped his arms round my waist and mine went to the back of his neck. I leaned in, kissing him and tangling my fingers in his hair. We broke off when we heard another snap of a camera. I swear to god, I will confiscate that camera from you Trucy.

"THis one's even better than the other!" she squealed. I just gave up at this point, "Ok, Trucy. You do what you want." I walked back over to the sofa and sat down again.


"Daddy! I got a picture of something you'll want to see!" Trucy squealed the minute Nick walked through the door. 

"Let's see this picture then," he replied coming properly into the agency, Apollo and Athena following behind. Trucy ran off to get the pictures coming back a few minutes later, "Here," she spoke handing Nick the photos. He smirked handing them to Apollo and Athena, "I was wondering when this would happen. Maya was shipping the two of you since the first time she saw you together. After a while, I started agreeing with her."

"NICK! YOU BETTER START RUNNING RIGHT NOW BEFORE I CATCH YOU!" Before I could start chasing him, I felt arms round my waist preventing me from moving, "(Y/n), calm down. It's ok, it's just Wright being Wright."

"You're right, Nick is just a trouble maker," I replied kissing him, making Athena and Trucy start fangirling again until I gave them a glare. Apollo knew better than to annoy me, especially when I'm tired which I was that day. Nick's phone call asking me to look after Trucy woke me up.

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