Accents (Phoenix x Scottish! Reader)

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I will say, this will probably include google translated stuff and if anyone reading this is Scottish, I'm sorry for this, except the fact that I myself am Scottish so, I should be allowed to poke fun at the language, right?

(The idea for a Scottish! Reader was mine, the character and plot idea belongs to SkyWolfDoesBooks. (ie they gave me the idea, I did not steal it from one of their oneshot books.))

Set between Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice (No Spoilers though! From either (Also pleased do not leave any spoilers in the comments!)


"Mgr Wright, mòran taing airson mo dhìon! Cha do mharbh mi e tha mi a 'gealltainn!" I spoke looking down at my lap, sitting in the visitor's room of the detention centre.

"(Y/n), could you maybe repeat that in English please? None of us know how to speak Gaelic."

"Oh, sorry!" I replied. Tha mi cho leth-bhreugach! Tha mi dìreach air nàire a chuir orm fhèin air beulaibh duine ainmeil! Stuaghach (Y/n)! Tha thu idiot! "Mr Wright, thank you so much for defending me! I didn't kill him I promise!"

(I am such an idiot! I've just embarrassed myself in front of a very well known person! Stupid (Y/n)! You idiot! - Translation)

"You're welcome, (Y/n). I believe you and I will get you out of this!"

"Geez, Boss, I've never seen you so eager to take on a case, is there a reason for that?"

"What in the world do you mean, Athena? It's just like any other case, please stop with all you're assumptions."

"Aye, the lad's just tryin' ta 'elp me out! Ye better get that in ye head ya wee lassie!" I spoke out.

"Remind me never to get on your bad side!" Athena answered hiding in a ball on the ground.

"Wee lassie, I'm sorry if I scared ya, it's just we Scot's don't take jokes lightly, ya know," I answered.

"Oh! It's ok! I'm sorry about that, I got carried away."

"Och! It's ok, wee lassie!"

"(Y/n), can you please tell us why they arrested you?" (AN: I actually typed 'murdered' there instead of 'arrested'. That would be bad, we don't want Gumshoe or Ema (Or any other detective) going to jail for murdering (Y/n), then there wouldn't be any more Oneshots!) 

"Right, I'm sorry laddie but chan eil dad a dh 'fhios agam carson a chuir iad an grèim mi."

"Um, English?"

"Sorry, I have no idea why they arrested me."

"Well, that'll be a question for Gumshoe. (Y/n), do you know who is prosecuting you?"

"I don't know what his name is but I heard him speak so I know they're male from their voice."

"Well, that rules out; literally only Miss Von Karma, she's the only female prosecutor I know. Unless it's one I've never met before," Mr Wright replied.

"But I do remember what he said."

"Well, anything's useful. Literally every prosecutor I know has some form of ridiculous nickname for me. Well, except Edgeworth."

"He said," I paused to clear my throat, "' Whether it's Wright-Dono, Justice-Dono or Cykes-Dono, whoever is defending the girl, they will have no chance, I will win. There is decisive evidence pointing to her.' and that's what he said," I finished looking up at both him and Athena to see them both looking annoyed and dejected, "Is there something wrong?"

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