Truth in Justice? (Apollo x Clay's Sister! Reader)

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This will contain spoilers for Dual Destinies (Specifically cases 4 and 5). 


When I heard that Clay had been murdered I was absolutely devastated. He had been the closest person to me, apart from Apollo. However, it was made even worse when I heard eleven specific words come out of Apollo's mouth;

"I'm sorry, but I will be taking a leave of absence."

I knew it had affected him a lot as well, Clay was his best friend and when he left the agency I wanted to punch him in the face, but It's hard to hurt the person you have a crush on. After this, I kept to myself a lot more than I usually did, and stopped eating as much.

"(Y/n), are you sure you're ok? You haven't eaten anything in a day!" Athena squealed in my ear.

"I told you! I'm fine! Just stop! Please!" I replied shouting at her before sitting back down on the sofa. I curled up in a ball before trying to keep in the tears that wanted to come out; The two most important people in my life; Clay and Apollo, were both gone and I didn't know what to do.

"(Y/n), are you ok?" I heard Mr Wright's voice from my ball on the sofa.

"I'm fine," I replied, "But, if you don't mind, I'm going for a walk," I continued, standing up and walking out the door. I decided to walk around Gourd Lake because I just felt like it but on my way there, my legs gave way and I fainted...


When I came to, I was lying on one of the sofas in the agency, "How?"

"(Y/n), thank God you're awake!" Athena screeched.

"Yay! I'm so glad you're ok!" Trucy squealed. 

"Indeed, you gave us quite the scare," Mr Wright spoke.

"How did I get here?"

"Oh, yeah. Gumshoe brought you here. He said he found you lying on the ground, fainted."


"But, (Y/n), please eat something."

"No, I don't feel like it. You can't force me to eat. I said before; I'm fine."


It was that point that I thought of something. I grabbed my phone before facetiming Apollo. He eventually picked up, "Athena, why did you face time me?"

"Because, there's something you'll want to see."

"If it's anything to do with the incident at the Space Centre, I don't want to know."

"Well, it's linked to that. Listen just look, it's (Y/n). She won't eat anything at all. She's refusing everything. Even (F/f)! Apollo it's bad. She's taking it badly and it's all your fault!"

"How is it my fault?!"

"You and Clay were the two most important people to her and now..." I put the camera of my phone to where (Y/n) was lying on the sofa with Trucy and Mr Wright surrounding her, so Apollo could see before turning it back to me, "See what I mean? She's completely broken!"

"How am I supposed to help?!"

"You should know that (Y/n) is a very non trusting person. You and Clay were the only people she let in and now neither of you are here. I know this has taken a toll on you as well, but, you need to be strong for (Y/n). Please, she needs you, Apollo. None of us can get through to her."

"Again, what do you expect I'll be able to do?"

"Please, Apollo. She'll die of starvation if something isn't done! Please! Just come and help and then you can leave again."


I hung up and two minutes later Apollo burst through the door.


I was still sitting on the sofa, refusing to eat anything, because I didn't feel like it. 

"(Y/n), please. Just eat something. If you do you'll see how hungry you actually are. Please, you'll waste away if you don't."

"I told you! I'M FINE!" I shouted back surprising the three of them, "Sorry, this is just taking a toll on me and I just don't feel like it."

"(Y/n), we know this is hard for you. We're worried about you, that's why we want you to eat something. Please?"

"Mr Wright, if she doesn't want to eat, you can't force her."

I looked up to see Apollo leaning on the door frame. Trucy ran up to him, "Polly! You're back!"

"What are you doing here?" I asked coldly.

"To help you," he replied. I glared daggers at him and he continued, "Listen, (Y/n), I know this is harder for you than me but I promise you; We'll work through it together, ok?" he asked placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Really?" I questioned, softening my glare.

"Yes, I know this is hard for you as well. You were even closer to Clay than I was."

"And I know this is hard for you too, Apollo."

"Mr Wright, Trucy, Athena could you please give us a minute? I talk to you after I've delt with (Y/n)."

They all walked out of the agency, leaving me and Apollo sitting on the sofa. Apollo then turned back to me, "(Y/n), please do eat something, for me?" he asked holding up the plate/bowl/bag of (F/f) that was lying on the table. "For you and only for you," I replied taking the bowl/plate/bag from him before taking a spoonful/forkful/one of (F/f) and eating it. I soon realised how hungry I was and scoffed the lot and everything else that Mr Wright, Athena and Trucy were trying to get me to eat. I smiled and leaned on Apollo, "Thank you. I wouldn't have been able to get through this without you."

"Anything for you, (Y/n)."

"Apollo, can I tell you something that Clay told me to tell you ages ago but I never did?"

"Ok? Depends on what it is."

"I've had a crush on you for ages," I mumbled, my face going red.

"I didn't hear you, (Y/n). Can you repeat that please?"

"I LOVE YOU! Happy?" I asked.

"You what?"

"It's ok if you don't feel the same though. Why would-" I was shut up by him cupping my cheek, "(Y/n), I love you too," he spoke before pressing a gentle and soft kiss to my lips. I kissed back immediately, me fingers going to his hair and tangling in it. I pushed him down on the sofa and soon felt his arms around my waist. I smiled and licked his bottom lip, asking for permission, which he accepted. We were so caught up in the moment that we didn't hear the door opening, "(Y/n)? Apollo are-Oh God! Trucy cover your eyes!"

We broke off at the sound of Athena's voice, both of us bright red. "Umm, hi?"

"Finally!" Trucy squealed.

"Huh?" We both looked at her expecting an explanation.

"Oh, sorry. I've been waiting for this to happen. It was obvious you both had feelings for each other."

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