Out Of My League (Phoenix x Reader)

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SPOILERS FOR APOLLO JUSTICE (The game not Apollo himself)

Requested By: DashingStar17
Timing: Apollo Justice (Game)
Related to 'Love Shown On The Ice'


When I heard that Phoenix had lost his badge, I was shocked. I knew there was nothing I could do about it but I also knew he would never forge evidence. I was also shocked about the fact that he'd adopted a little girl, who's name I found out to be Trucy. Phoenix never seemed like the father type. I started to get worried about how they were coping, due to Phoenix not having a job and with the Talent Agency bills. 

"Phoenix please, I want to help."

"(Y/n), I can't take your money. We'll get through this."

"Phoenix Wright! You will listen to me! it's not just you now, you've got Trucy to think about. Please? I'm trying to help you."

"Fine but not forever."

"Yay!" I squeaked hugging him, "Thank you for letting me help."

It was a few days later when Phoenix approached me saying he had got a job at the Borscht Bowl Club. I was confused about why there and concerned about it but I just left it, "Phoenix, I'm still going to help you until you get your first paycheck though, okay?"

"If you must."


The next day, I had just finished a trial and was congratulating the defendant when I felt a hand tug at my skirt. I looked down to see Trucy, "Oh, hello Trucy. What are you doing here? Should you not be with your father?"

"Daddy told me to tell you that he wanted you to meet him at the Borscht Bowl Club. He didn't say why, he just told me to tell you."

"Okay, thank you Trucy. Be careful okay? On your way back."

She grabbed my hand and dragged me off, "I'm coming too, you know."

"Oh, okay." 

She dragged me the whole way there even though I could have walked myself. I would have told her, but she looked like she was having dun dragging me so I let her. I mean who am I to say no to an adorable little eight-year-old?

 I mean who am I to say no to an adorable little eight-year-old?

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(Just look at that face. How could anyone say no to that face? So cute!)


We arrived and I sat down at an empty table. Trucy then hopped up on my lap. So cute. I sat and then realised that Phoenix was sitting at the piano, playing it. I then realised he was singing as well. 

(Play the song)

When he'd finished, everyone, including me was clapping. Trucy hopped off my lap and ran up to her father. I smiled and thought back to the memories we'd spent together. I was so deep in thought that I hadn't realised that Phoenix had walked up to up and was waving a hand in front of my face, "Hello? Earth to (Y/n)."

I snapped out of my daze, "Sorry, Phoenix. I was thinking about something. Great playing by the way."

"Really? You really think so?"

"Yes, it was beautiful."

"It was dedicated to you, (Y/n)."


"Yes," he replied hugging me. I hugged him back and he whispered in my ear, "I love you and thank you for everything you did for me." I was about to reply but I was cut off by him kissing me. I kissed him back immediately and luckily Trucy had run off somewhere so she didn't see it. We broke off, just at the moment, Trucy came back. I leaned in and whispered in his ear, "I love you too and I would do anything for you to get back onyour feet. So I decided to get your badge back!"

"But why? (Y/n) there's nothing you can do. I should have checked it first!" I put a finger to his lips to shut him up, "Listen I know that but, I will not stop until you have it back. I've started already. I had a suspicion of someone that gave it to you, so I interrogated them and they admitted to it, now all we need to do is to do the same in the courtroom, right? If I can get Gavin to admit to it in the courtroom, asking Vera to forge the page, then you should get it back, right?"

"You're willing to do all that for me?!"

"Yes, I love you so much and I'd do anything for you, Phoenix. Never forget that, okay?"

"I know but why? Why me?"

"Because you're you."

"But there''s so many-"

"Phoenix, no. I know what you were going to say. I don't care if you think you're not enough for me, you are so, don't say that."


"Good. Love you," I replied kissing his cheek.


"You have no proof that Phoenix knew that that diary page was forged! I will not accept this if you don't have proof!"

"Well do you have proof he didn't know it was forged?" I want to answer but I was cut off, "Not including his own words."

"I do actually. Your Honour the defence would like to bring a witness to the stand."

"Does the prosecution have any objections to this?"

"No, Your Honour, let's see what the defence's little trick is."

Not a smart idea. Vera said she's ready to tell the truth. I smirked, "In that case, the defence would like to bring to the stand, the person who forged the page!"

Vera was then brought to the stand. "Witness, could you state your name and occupation?"

She didn't reply but brought out her pad and wrote something down; 'Vera Misham... forger.' I noticed her gulp. 

"Could you please tell us the name of the person who asked you to forge this diary page?" I asked showing her the page. She shook her head, "Why not?"

She brought out her pad again; 'I don't know their name.'

"Can you give a description?"

'I can do better, here.' She then handed me a photo, 'That's the person.' I smirked, "Your Honour, as we can see, this is not a photo of the defendant. Therefore, he should be declared innocent."


The trial eventually came to an end with Phoenix being declared innocent meaning he got his badge back. I met him in the defendant lobby and was immediately tackled in a hug, "Thank you!"

"See, I told you I wouldn't stop until you had your badge back."

"This is why I love you."

"I love you too, Phoenix," I replied kissing him on the cheek, "So much." Trucy then grabbed both our hands and dragged us out the courthouse, "Now we celebrate!"

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