Do We Really Have To Say Goodbye? (Blackquill x Athena's Sister! Reader)

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Again! Spoilers for Turnabout For Tomorrow! The final case of Dual Destinies!



"(Y/n), you're going to have to let it go at some point!"

"Why?! Thena, I can't! All this! I just don't know what to do!" she replied through the closed door of her bedroom. She'd been in there for ages, ever since our reunion with Simon, which was in April when we both first met Apollo as well. It seemed that the reunion brought back some bad memories for her. She still believes that the incident was all her fault but I keep telling her it wasn't, and it wasn't her fault Simon went to jail. 

"(Y/n) please, you need fresh air! You've been locked in your room with the blinds shut for six months! Please! For me?!"

"Thena! Please just leave me alone!"

"Fine! But next time you need me I won't be there!"


"Athena you'll be fine. I'm going to prove your innocence."

"Thank you Mr Wright, but it's just that no matter what; Either me or Simon's going to jail and (Y/n) will be alone and I don't want that to happen," I replied, looking down, trying to contain my tears. (Y/n) may have been older than me by eight years but she was always there for me, as I was always there for her.

"Listen, Athena, no matter the outcome of this trial, me and Trucy will make sure to keep (Y/n) as happy as possible and keep her that way."

"Thank you, Mr Wright... I know you'll try your best."


"SIMON! I'm so glad you're free!" I squealed running up to hug him.

"Hmph, I'm glad you're ok too, Cykes-Dono."

"Oh! While I remember! You're coming with me!" I shouted grabbing his arm and dragging him out the courthouse.

"Cykes-Dono, where are you taking me? Also, another question, where's your sister? You know, the other Cykes-Dono?"

"Please, call at least one of us by our first name, so it's less confusing."

"Finne, where's (Y/n), Cykes-Dono?"

"Where do you think I'm taking you? Geez, you may have been in jail for seven years but, it surely didn't do anything to your brain, right?"


I continued dragging him to our destination and opening the door to mine and (Y/n)'s flat.

"Cykes-Dono why have you brought me here?"

"Just wait and see," I replied telling him to sit on the sofa before walking up to (Y/n)'s room and knocking.

---------YOUR POV

I hid in my room after the reunion. I never left and Athena had to slide food into my room through the door. I especially kept to myself that day; Simon was due to be executed that afternoon and I still hadn't had the courage to tell him. If his life was going to end, I didn't want to hear about it. I was going to hide under the covers on my bed when I heard another knock on the door, "Thena! I already told you! I'm not coming out! Ever again!"

"(Y/n), please, you're going to want to see this."

"This better not be a trick to get me to leave, Thena."

"It's not, please I'm telling you, you need to see this!"

"Fine!" I replied reluctantly opening the door. She grabbed my hand a dragged me downstairs and to the living room. "Thena, is this for real?"

"Yep! Mr Wright proved his innocence!"

I smiled widely and ran up to Simon, hugging him, "I'm so happy you're free!" It was then that I noticed Athena smirking at him. "Am I missing something?" I asked and they both shook their heads, "No, (Y/n), but, I believe Simon has something to say to you."

"You do?" I asked him.

"Yes, I do," he replied and Taka flew off his shoulder and onto my head. Simon continued, "Yes, sorry. If you don't mind, I have a confession. I've fallen for you and-" I shut him up by smashing my lips on his, seeing his face light up bright red. He wrapped his arms around my waist and mine went to his neck, "I love you too, Simon," I replied after pulling away. 

"Yay! I bagsy being flower girl at the wedding!"

"Thena! No! Not yet please!" I shouted starting to chase her around the flat.

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