Love for The Bad Guys (Kristoph, Dahlia and Engarde x Reader) (Separate Endings)

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Requested by: Outorou-Shingo (Because no one else is requesting anything!)

Warning: Swearing


"I'll now pass the verdict on the defendant (Y/n) (L/n). Guilty!"

I smirked, I didn't care about the verdict. I killed the person, deserved it, blasted bitch. No one messes with (Y/n) and get's away with it!

The next thing I knew I was getting dragged away by a bailiff. I didn't care at all. I was then knocked unconscious.


I woke up in a cell, "Where?"

"Who the fuck are you and what did you do to get in here?"

"I don't remember anything."

"Oh, dear. What's your name?"

"Thanks for asking me the one thing I remember. (Y/n)." They all gasped. I then get a better look at them. Two guys and a girl, one of the guys had platinum blonde hair and was wearing a light blue-lavender coloured suit and the other has brown hair and was wearing a white coat thing with red accents, he was holding a whiskey glass? How'd he get that in here? I then looked at the girl, memories flooding back, "You, little bitch! You deserve to be here!" I shouted getting closer to her, "Sweetie what are you doing?" she asked, an innocent look appearing on her face.

"You, were the one that hurt innocent people! Including me! It's your fault I'm like this and I'm in here! You're psychoness rubbed off on me and then when I catch my boyfriend cheating on me I killed him! This is you're fault!"


A few weeks passed since I was thrown in here and it was starting to get boring. At least I had my cell mates. They understood what I was feeling as they'd gone through a lot as well. I learned that Matt, brown hair guy, had begged the judge to give him a guilty verdict because he didn't want to be out in the world, because he made a mistake by getting evidence t blackmail de Killer if he tried to pin the blame on Matt and I learned that Kristoph, Platinum hair guy, had caused Phoenix Wright, the ace attorney, to lose his badge, as well as killing both Drew Misham and magician Zak Gramarye, or his undercover name, Shadi Smith. I bonded well with them and I eventually developed feelings for one of them.

Kristoph Ending:

I was lying on the 'bed' when Kristoph came and sat next to me, "(Y/n), if you get out of here, will you bail me out?"

"Yes. I don't care how much it would be, because you know what? I love you," I replied placing a hand on his cheek. He leaned into my touch, "I think you just need to be loved, that's it." He nodded and asked, "(Y/n), can I kiss you?"

I nodded and pulled him into me, kissing him. WE eventually broke away for air because, ((Y/n), no) (Y/n), yes. Author-Chan. (You know, I give up! I don't care anymore! I'll call Ema to come and arrest you for breaking private property!) What private property? Also, I'm already in jail, it won't do anything. (Just stop.)

"Miss, (L/n), you have a visitor," one of the guards said, opening the door to the cell. I pecked Kristoph on the cheek and followed the guard to the visitor's room. "Maya? What are you doing here? And why is Wright here?"

"(Y/n), I'm sorry I lost the case. Edgeworth wasn't going easy on me, like he said he would."

"No, Nick. you lost the case because I'm truly Guilty. I really did kill my ex-boyfriend. He cheated on my and Dahlia's psychoness rubbed off on me."

I noticed he froze up at the mention of Dalia's name, "Nick, I'm sorry I didn't mean anything by it."

"No, it's fine (Y/n). But we want to bail you out. I don't care how much it is and Apollo and Athena want you back."

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