Sacrifices for Love ( Aura Blackquill x Detective! Reader)

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WARNING!!! This chapter contains spoilers for the final case of Dual Destinies! Do Not Read if you haven't played/seen a playthrough of it!

This just came to me randomly. I seem to get ideas at the weirdest times... Mostly when I'm trying to get to sleep...

It won't be exact, however, it will roughly follow the case. ie some of the quotes/speaking won't be accurate.

You are the same age as Aura btw. Just to make it clear.


"Aura listen to me. Mr Wright is going to get both Simon and Athena off the hook, calm down. It will all work out in the end. Listen to me, in and out, in and out. Breath," I spoke trying to calm her down.

"IT'S NOT THAT EASY! He's got one day (Y/n)! One day!" She snapped back at me.

"I know that! But listen! I know neither of them murdered Athena's mother, they've got truth on their side. I know you don't trust the court system because of this incident but you can trust me, ok?"

"Ok, I trust you."

"Thank you." Finally.


I decided to watch the trial even though I knew the outcome already, the truth will always prevail no matter what. I had been sitting in the gallery for a while when something caught my attention, "You think there's a third party? This 'Phantom', what's the next ludicrous thing that's going to come out of your mouth Wright?"

I noticed said man start to sweat. Well, I guess it's time for my decisive evidence.

 Well, I guess it's time for my decisive evidence

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"What is the meaning of this?!"

"Your Honour, I have some new evidence to present, if the court will allow it," I replied.

"Are the defence and prosecution ok with this?"

"Yes, Your Honour. Anything to help the case."

"We must review all the evidence, if Detective (L/n) has new evidence, we should see it. After all, the evidence is everything in a courtroom."

"Very well. You may continue Detective."

"Thank you, Your Honour. I would also like to ask for a little of the court's time, concerning just who the Phantom is."

"Very well, the court will hear your testimony."


"As I said, I can prove who the Phantom is. 
I have decisive evidence to prove this. 
I believe we will get to the bottom of this case with the evidence."

"Mr Wright, your cross-examination."

"Yes, Your Honour."

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