Truth Or Dare (Apollo x Reader)

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We were all sitting in the Agency playing truth or dare when it finally got interesting.
"Trucy, Truth or Dare?" Athena asked.
"Truth," Trucy replied.
"Who do you like better me or Polly?"
"Neither, you're both as good as each other," she smirked obviously trying to avoid the truth. Which was that she preferred Athena but she didn't want to hurt Apollo's feelings, "Ok ok my turn. (Y/n) truth or dare?"
"Umm dare," I answered.
"I dare you to...." she stopped, "ohh I got a good one. I dare you to kiss Polly."
"WHAAAAAT!!" me and Apollo both screeched.
"Do it or you have to forfeit which means a very bad punishment."
"Fine." I turned to Apollo, sorry about this Polly. I grabbed his vest and pulled him to me making his lips hit mine.

I let him go, "happy now Trucy?"

Little does Apollo know I would love to do that again.

"My turn now. Apollo truth or dare?"
"Do you like anyone?"
"No.. of course not crushes are for children," he said turning away and turning the exact same colour as his vest.
"Come on Polly, spill!" me and Trucy persisted.
"No! I fairly sure they wouldn't like me back anyway."
"You sure!!!" Trucy said looking at me.
"Fine!" he turned back to me, "(Y/n), I love you!"
"Come here you!!" I replied pulling him to me and kissing him with my arm finding thier way round his neck.
"I love you too Polly. I have for ages and just never had the guts to tell you. The only person I told was Trucy and I am surprised she managed to keep it a secret."
Everyone looked very nervous.
"Don't tell me..." I started.
"I'm sorry (Y/n) I couldn't help it. I had to tell."
« It's fine Trucy. » I said giving Apollo another kiss.

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