Riled Up (Edgeworth x Defence Attorney! Reader)

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Requested By: SkyWolfDoesBooks

Timing: Between Apollo Justice and Dual Destinies

Warning: A lime, not a lemon. 

 Plot: (The reader and Miles aren't dating in this oneshot btw, though they have met each other before.) The reader, while going against Miles in court, subtly flirts with him during the trial. Miles gets a bit "riled up" and tries to hide it from her, but she knows better and helps him "take care" of it.


"Don't worry, Maya. I'll get you out of this! Mr Wright may be in Europe but I'm here and I'll defend you!"

"Thank you! You might have a tough time with it though."


"Edgeworth's prosecuting."

"Please, Maya. I've defeated Edgeworth before. It won't be that bad," I replied.

"You sure?"

"I'm sure! I can do this! You'll be fine Maya! You're in my hands!"

"Yeah! You're in good hands! (Y/n) is a great defence attorney!"

I rubbed the back of my neck, "Thanks Trucy," I turned back to Maya, "Don't worry! I'll get you out of this, after all, we have truth and Justice on our side!" I pulled Apollo closer when I mentioned 'Justice', referencing his surname.

"Yes, very funny, (Y/n). Use my name in a pun, real mature!"

"Hey! At least I'm not the one that's forced to be Trucy's assistant!"


"Mr Edgeworth do you have a rebuttal to the defence's claim?" the judge asked, making me smirk. I noticed sed Edgeworth frantically look through his evidence and I rolled my eyes, "Would you stop being cute and just get on with it?"

He looked up at me and I noticed his cheeks were slightly pink. "Geez, talk about easily flustered. And I though Apollo was bad."

"Hey! I don't get flustered easily!"

"Oh yeah? Well let's test that," I paused, "Guten Morgen Herr Forehead!" he cheeks flared up, making me and Trucy burst out laughing. 

"Ok, please. Fine, I do get flustered easily!"

"Or is it just whenever someone speaks German? Or is it specifically 'Herr Forehead'?" His face lit up more than it already was at my last statement.

"Miss (L/n)! Can we get back to the trial?"

"Yes, Your Honour. Sorry."


"So, Prosecutor Edgeworth, do you have any objections?" I asked  purposely leaning over the desk so he could see down my top, as my shirt's collar was quite low (Think Athena's shirt), "or should the judge declare Maya innocent?" I smirked noticing his red face.

"Um well, I...." He trailed off. Geez, lost for words, are we? "T-The p-prose-cution r-rests."

"In that case, I now pronounce the defendant, Maya Fey... NOT GUILTY!"


"Miss (L/n), what was that you were pulling in the courtroom?"

"I have no idea what you talking about Prosecutor Edgeworth," I replied innocently. He grabbed my arm and dragged me away, "I'll see you guys back at the agency!" I managed to shout to Apollo and Trucy before we got too far away. 

"I can walk myself you know!"

"Really? Can you? Well, you should have no trouble walking into my office then." I walked in and waited for him to enter and close the door, "So what did you need?"

"I think you need to fix the problem you caused," he spoke pointing to his crotch which I now just realised had a noticeable bulge with a red face.

"Fine by me," I answered smirking and getting down on my knees after pushing him down on the sofa he had in his office. I pulled down his trousers and boxers releasing his hard member, "You get this hard from a little bit of teasing?"

"Just fix it!"

"Ok," I replied smirking. I took his member in my hand rubbing up and down, making him go crazy moaning. "Shh! We don't want anyone finding us do we?" He bit his knuckle to keep himself from moaning when I took him in my mouth. I soon felt him twitch in my mouth and I popped off before straddling his waist. I kissed him after removing his knuckle from his mouth, my hand going behind me to finish the job. He released into my hand with a moan into my mouth. I climbed off him and licked the cum from my hand before kneeling again and licking his member again to clean him up. I noticed that by the time I'd licked it clean, he was hard again. "Really? That's it! You're coming with me and we are fixing both problems! Trousers up!" He pulled his trousers up reluctantly and we left his office walking back to my house. On the way, I called Apollo to tell him and Trucy that I'd see them the next day as I had some 'business' to take care off.

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