Dead Girl Walking (Apollo x Reader)

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This is a High School AU btw. Again I am working on requests, these just keep coming to mind. 


I was excited about the school play this year. Somehow and for some reason, or drama teacher decided we were going to do Heathers. I was extremely excited because Heathers was one of my favourite musicals. I walked to where the cast list was and got excited immediately. I got to play Veronica. I then noticed who was to play JD; Apollo. I was happy about this as well as nervous because I'd had a crush on him for ages and I never got the chance to tell him. 

I walked into the auditorium to see everyone there and I made my way over to Apollo and Trucy who were sitting in the front row, "Hey guys!"

"(Y/n)! Who did you get?"

"Veronica. What about you two?"

"Heather McNamara," Trucy replied.

"J.D. apparently, somehow," Apollo replied, "How? I have no idea. I'm terrible at acting."

"No, you're not Apollo! You're amazing, you just don't see it."


A few weeks later and the time came for the part I was most nervous about; choreographing 'Dead Girl Walking'. I was nervous because I knew what it included and because it was Apollo.

"The demon queen of high school has decreed it:
She says Monday, 8 AM, I will be deleted
They'll hunt me down in study hall
Stuff and mount me on the wall
Thirty hours to live
How shall I spend them?"

I walked around the stage before continuing to sing.

"I don't have to stay and die like cattle
I could change my name and ride up to Seattle
But I don't own a motorbike
Wait—here's an option that I like:
Spend these thirty hours gettin' freakay!

I made my way slowly to Apollo, getting more nervous the closer I got.

"I need it hard
I'm a dead girl walkin'
I'm in your yard
I'm a dead girl walkin'
Before they punch my clock
I'm snappin' off your window lock
Got no time to knock
I'm a dead girl walking."

"Veronica? What are you doing in my room?" Apollo asked in character.

"Shh..." I spoke placing a finger on his lips to silence him.

"Sorry, but I really had to wake you
See, I decided I must ride you 'til I break you
'Cause Heather says I gots to go
You're my last meal on death row
Shut your mouth and lose them tighty-whities!"

I climbed on top of him, almost straddling his waist.

"Come on! Tonight I'm yours
I'm your dead girl walkin'
Get on all fours
Kiss this dead girl walkin'
Let's go, you know the drill
I'm hot and pissed and on the pill
Bow down to the will of a dead girl walking!

And you know, you know, you know
It's 'cause you're beautiful
You say you're numb inside
But I can't agree
So the world's unfair
Keep it locked out there
In here it's beautiful
Let's make this beautiful!"

"That works for me!"

I threw his shirt on the ground before kissing him while he undid the buttons on my blouse.

Full steam ahead!
Take this dead girl walkin'!"

"How'd you find my address?"

"Let's break the bed
Rock this dead girl walkin'!"

"I think you tore my mattress!"

"No sleep tonight for you
Better chug that Mountain Dew!"

"OK, OK!"

I kissed him again, properly straddling his waist.
"Get your ass in gear
Make this whole town disappear!"

"OK, OK!"

"Slap me! Pull my hair!
Touch me..."

"There and there and there!" we sang, Apollo grabbing my breast before grabbing my ass with his other hand.

We continued the song until the point where Apollo had to 'thrust' up into me, creating the illusion of what was implied. I had managed to keep my cool up until that point but on one thrust, he put a bit too much pressure into it and a moan escaped my mouth. I went red immediately before climbing off him and running out the auditorium to the girls' toilets. I slid down the door of one of the stalls, silently sobbing to myself. How could I have been that stupid to let that happen? Apollo probably hates me now. I started crying harder not caring if anyone heard me and I continued to cry until I heard two voices I recognised, "(Y/n)? Are you in there?"

Athena and Trucy.

"I'm fine," I replied trying to stop the tears flowing down my face and ultimately failing.

"You're clearly not. Listen it's not your fault, (Y/n). These things happen."

"Really? So you're saying that most people embarrass themselves in front of their crush?"

"It's natural, (Y/n). Also, there's someone who wants to talk to you."

I opened the door and was immediately embraced in a hug from the two girls. "Thanks, guys. Who wanted to talk to me?" They led me out the toilets and I immediately spotted Apollo leaning against the wall.

"(Y/n), can I talk to you please?"

"Listen, Apollo,I'msorryaboutwhathappened.Itwasanaccident.It'sjustI'vehadacrushonyouforthelongesttimeand-" I was cut off from my rant when he kissed me, wrapping his arms around my waist. Mine went to his hair and I immediately kissed back. We eventually had to pull away for air.

"Told you it was fine. I love you, (Y/n)."

"I love you too, Apollo," I replied kissing him again.

"Wonderful! This will make all your kissing scenes easier!" We broke away at the sound of the Drama teacher's voice both of us bright red.

"I guess so, won't it Polly?" I asked seeing his face light up. "Note to self; Apollo goes red when I call him 'Polly'," I murmured to myself.

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