(Athena x Edgeworth's Adopted Daughter! Asthmatic! Reader)

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Spoilers for Turnabout for Tomorrow! (Dual Destinies Case 5)

You are 20 in this btw

Includes an asthma attack. I myself don't have asthma so if you do and this is not what it's like please tell me and I will change it. I do not mean to offend anyone by it!


What?! Mr Wright will want to see this! This will be important for the trial! I printed out the document before running out of my father's office (With the paper and my bag), down the twelve flights of stairs and out the building, my destination being the courthouse. I knew that's where Mr Wright was as Athena was currently on trial and he, along with Apollo were defending her. I ran as fast as my legs would take me, completely forgetting about my asthma. Running. Running. Running. Running. Running. Running. Running. Running. Running. Running. Running. By the time I got to the courthouse I was struggling to breathe. I found a bailiff, "Excuse *Pant* me *pant* but where would I *pant* find *pant* Mr Wright? I *pant* have something *pant* to *pant* give to him."

"He's in Defendant Lobby Number 5 along with Mr Justice and Miss Cykes, ma'am!" he replied.

"Thank you," I spoke back, running off to the lobby he was in, again forgetting about my asthma. When I got there, the bailiffs immediately let me in. I guess being the daughter of the Chief Prosecutor has its perks. I collapsed the minute I got inside, falling to the floor and finding it incredibly hard to breathe.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n)! What?"

"Ca-Can't breathe," I muffled out, "Need i-inhaler."

"Where is it?" I'm guessing Apollo asked.

"In my bag, I don't g-go any-where without it."

He kneeled down next to me and reached into my bag, bringing out my inhaler and handing it to me. I put it to my mouth but was too weak to push the button to get the oxygen flowing. Apollo noticed this as he took it from me and helped me.

"Thank you. I guess it was a bad idea to run all the way here from the Prosecutor's Office, huh?"

"You ran all the way here?! No wonder you're incredibly weak. (Y/n) if you have asthma, you're supposed to limit the amount of exercise you do!"

"I know, Mr Wright but, I needed to give you this before the trial reconvened," I replied taking out the document I'd printed from my bag and handing it to him. He read over it and turned back to me, "Is this real?"

"Yes, I did some digging and those were the results."

"(Y/n)?! Where are you?!" We heard from outside the door. I, upon recognising the voice immediately, hid behind Mr Wright.

"(Y/n), I know you're in here. The bailiffs told me."

"I'm sorry, father," I replied stepping out from my hiding place.

"It's ok, as long as you're safe. What are you doing here though? I thought I told you to stay in my office."

"I know, but I needed to give Mr Wright something before the trial started," I answered looking down at my feet.

"It's fine, if it was to help Wright, then I'll forgive you, but you had me worried sick! I found your inhaler on the floor when I got back and Franziska told me you'd ran off here. Why didn't you bring it with you?"

"I had my back-up one in my bag, I always do. You should know that; I never go anywhere without it."

"Oh, thank the lord you're alright then, you made sure to take it slow on your way here right?"

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