Build Some Confidence, (Y/n) (Edgeworth x Phoenix's Twin Sister! Reader)

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Set during The Monstrous Turnabout. (Dual Destinies case 2)


"(Y/n), you're going to have to tell him at some point. You can't run from it."

"I know, Nick but,  why would he like me that way? I mean I'm just a random defense attorney and he's the CHIEF PROSECUTOR! There's no way he'd like me like that," I replied, looking out the window in the agency.

"(Y/n), listen to me," Nick spoke walking over to me and lifting my chin, "I know Edgeworth better than anyone and I'll tell you this, whenever you're brought up in conversation, his face goes as red as Apollo's waistcoat."

"Really, Nick? You're not just pulling my leg are you?"

"I'm not. Why would I lie to you, (Y/n)? Your happiness means more to me than anything in the world. Don't forget that, ok?"

"I know, but, I still on't believe it. It's probably that he just got really hot, and it was a coincidence that I'd been brought up in conversation." 

"(Y/n), you've got to build up some confidence. Or... I'll get Athena to do it for you," he replied smirking.

"Ok fine! I'll tell him. In fact I will walk to his office and tell him."

"That's the (Y/n) I know!"

"When, Apollo and Athena get back..."



"Mr Wright! We're back!"

Shit! Why!? 

"Apollo, Athena. That's good, isn't it (Y/n)?"

"Yep! Totally amazing you two are back," I replied sarcastically, mentally strangling Nick, "I have to go, I'll be back in probably about half a hour!" I continued walking out the agency, a fake smile plastered on my face. Bloody Nick! Why do I do this to myself?! 


"Apollo, Athena, I want you two to follow her and report to me what she does."

"What is this about, Mr Wright? She's your sister, are you really stalking your sister?"

"No, I just want to make sure she does what she said she was going to do."

"Fine," Apollo spoke grabbing Athena's arm and dragging her out.

"Daddy! Can I go with Polly and Athena?"

"If you want Trucy, I won't stop you."

"Yay!" she squealed hugging me before following the other two.


Bloody Nick!

I arrived at the prosecutor's office and made my way up to Miles's office. I took  some time to compose myself before knocking.

"Come in."

I opened the door and walked in, closing said door behind me, "Miles, can I talk to you please?" His head shot up when I spoke, "(Y/n)?"

"Yes, can I talk to you?"

"On you go, you've come all the way here. I wasn't in the middle of anything so, you're not disturbing me."

Note to self: Thank Apollo and Athena later, for coming back when they did.

"I-I've had a c-crush on y-you for ages," I mumbled, stuttering and looking down at my feet.

"What did you say, (Y/n)?" Miles replied standing up and walking to me, lifting my chin.

"I said I-" I was cut off by him kissing me. I was shocked but eventually melted into it, wrapping my arms around his neck. We eventually broke off due to lack of oxygen.

"I-I love you, Miles."

"I love you too, (Y/n)."

I turned to the door when I heard voice from outside. I looked back to Miles, who had a confused look on his face. I walked back to the door and opened it, just in time to see Apollo Athena and Trucy running round a corner. "Miles, I'll be back. I just need to deal with something, quickly," I spoke before running off after the three of them, "Apollo! Athena! Trucy! Come back here and explain yourselves right now!"

I ended up chasing them all the way back to the agency. "Explain yourselves now!" I shouted when I finally caught up to them, inside the agency, "Why the bloody hell were you following me?!"

"Aunty (Y/n)," Trucy spoke, pulling on my suit jacket.

"Yes Trucy?" I asked sending a glare to Apollo and Athena.

"Don't be mad at Polly and Thena."

"Who am I supposed to be annoyed at then?"

"Daddy told us to follow you, 'to make  sure you did what you said you were going to do.'"

This set me off again, "PHOENIX WRIGHT! EXPLAIN NOW!" I shouted pinning him to the wall and glaring daggers into him.

"(Y-(Y/n), I can explain.

"Please do," I replied coldly, my glare becoming harsher.

"I know what you're like, (Y/n). It was just to make sure you did what you said you were going to do...Forgiven?"

"Let me think... NO!"

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